Will you be leaving later or latter? Would a lath or a lathe be used to cut the wood? Does a lay or a lei go around your neck? Is a lea or a lee a meadow? Is a leach or a leech a bloodsucking worm?

later, latter
Later means afterward, subsequently, or at a time in the future (sometimes followed by on).
Later on, we’ll visit Whisper Valley Trails to go horseback riding.
Latter is the second mentioned of two things.
I prefer the latter arrangement to the former one.
Latter also means near to the end.
In the latter part of the 15th century, Columbus set sail across the Atlantic Ocean in search of a trade route to India.

lath, lathe
A lath is a thin, narrow strip of wood.
Thin as a lath, the cat burglar could squeeze through the smallest of spaces.
A lathe is a machine for use in working wood, metal, etc., that holds the material and rotates it about a horizontal axis against a tool that shapes it.
He made a decent living as a lathe operator.

laud, lord
As a noun, a laud is a song or hymn of praise. As a verb, laud means to praise or extol.
People didn’t hesitate to laud the perceived victim for his bravery, but then the truth came to light.
As a noun, a lord is a master. As a verb, lord means to domineer.
The lord of the estate was known to lord it over his menial servants.
lay, lei
Lay means to put or place in a horizontal position or position of rest; set down.
Lay the child down so she can rest better.
A lei is a wreath of flowers, leaves, etc., for the neck or head.
Plumerias, tuberose, carnations, orchids, and pikake are the flowers normally used to make a lei.
lays, laze, leis
Lays means sets down.
She lays down for a short nap each day at noon.
Laze means to idle or lounge lazily (often followed by around).

The teenager’s plan was to laze around all weekend.
More than one wreath of flowers, leaves, etc., for the neck or head are leis.
At her Hawaiian-themed birthday party, the guests were presented with leis upon their arrival.
lea, lee
A lea is a pasture or meadow.
The cardinal called to its mate over the lea.
A lee is a protective shelter.
The lee of the rock shielded the climbers against the storm.
leach, leech
To leach is to dissolve out soluble constituents from (ashes, soil, etc.) by percolation.
Nitrogen stabilizers will help prevent nutrients being leached from soil.
As a noun, a leech is any bloodsucking or carnivorous aquatic or terrestrial worm of the class Hirudinea, certain freshwater species of which were formerly much used in medicine for bloodletting. A leech is also a person who clings to another for personal gain, especially without giving anything in return, and usually with the implication or effect of exhausting the other’s resources; parasite.
She screamed when she discovered that a leech had attached itself to her leg.
As a verb, leech means to apply leeches to, so as to bleed. Leech also means to cling to and feed upon or drain.
Her once wealthy relatives leeched away her fortune until she was as broke as they were.

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