Do you believe in angels? Do you believe in demons? Do you believe that one being could be both?
Vivien is a reporter that lives in Crescent City. Working on the story about Hurricane Katrina left her feeling burnt out. Then something happens that reinvigorates the investigative journalist in her. After digging deep into the Catholic Church following the death of one of its priests, she makes a discovery. This priest who was killed was a known pedophile. And the young boy who was with him at the time saw a bright light.
The church knew the priest was a pedophile. Instead of punishing him, they simply relocated him.
This hasn’t been the only murder where the victim was saved. She finds more, and all the intended victims swear they were saved by an angel. The predator sees something far more vicious and terrifying coming at them. No sexual predator is safe, but then again, they shouldn’t be safe.
But would an angel kill? An angel is not what the ones who are killed see coming at them.
Alec Winters can see people’s auras. He is also a punisher. Is he a demon? Is he an angel? He is human, but stopping the rape of his little sister by his father awakened a force within him, a force that will save the victims and kill the predators.
This is a book that I was glued to from the first page, and I read the entire thing in less than twenty-four hours. Kudos to the author for writing a story that I was compelled to finish once I started. I enjoy every book I read, but there aren’t many that I just cannot bring myself to put down for even a few minutes.
Are you tired of seeing pedophiles, sexual abusers, and rapists not being punished as they deserve? Explicit and violent at times, this book is thoroughly enjoyable and satisfying.
I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you would like a copy of your own to read and enjoy, I have provided an Amazon link below.
Recommended Articles:
Chariss K. Walker Interview – Alec Winters, New Orleans, and Self-Publishing
The Journey – a Review
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Amazon link: Crescent City

imagination and reality,
Favorite Sentences:
The dark reddish-orange center held a layer of red and black around the edges, pulsing and flaming wildly—the one true sign of a pedophile on the verge of explosion, desperate for the eternal waiting to end.
The man in her life was squatting like a big fat toad, determined to have his way.
He lay on the lavatory floor like a big wad of used toilet paper.
Like fire ants roiling across floodwaters to stay afloat, the insects gathered more and more debris to ensure their survival.
But, the words spoken were lost in translation as the intonation of the beast roared with the voice of a thousand mighty celestial beings, all filled with rage.

beignets at Cafe Du Monde, flickr
New Words Learned:
beignets – square deep-fried pastries served hot and sprinkled with icing sugar
haloperidol – a depressant of the central nervous system used especially as an antipsychotic drug
hedonistic – describing a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification
nepotism – favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those with power or influence
About the Author:
Chariss K. Walker writes both fiction and nonfiction books with a spiritual component. Her fiction expresses a visionary/metaphysical message that illustrates growth in a character’s consciousness utilizing a paranormal aspect. Her nonfiction books share insight, hope, and inspiration. Even though Chariss writes dark fiction about insanely dark topics, such as sexual abuse, incest, pedophilia, sexual assault, and other inappropriate dinner conversation, there is always an essential question of the abstract nature that gives a reader increasing awareness and perception. All of her books are sold worldwide in eBook, paperback, and many are in large print. Chariss currently lives in Amarillo, Texas. You can learn more about her at