Leaves are turning color then falling off the trees, leaving the grass carpeted with their bright colors. But what is waiting on you in these leaves? These writing prompts should keep you busy until the end of the month.

November 1-6
Thanksgiving is later this month, so the first writing prompt will be about your family’s gathering for Thanksgiving dinner. Most families have that one member that no one really wants to be there, but I don’t know of any nearly as bad as Florence “Flo” Harrelson. You can read about her here: https://www.boredpanda.com/woman-writes-scathing-obituary-for-mother/.
First, I want you to pretend you have a relative like this who is coming to the Thanksgiving dinner you are having at your house. And you need to find a way to shut her up. Either you can find a way to make her see the error of how she is living and cause her to become a much better person, or you can give her a taste of her own medicine. Or you could write about both.
I’m so thankful that none of my relatives are anything like her.

November 7–12
Imagine the first Thanksgiving. In case you aren’t great with history, here is an article to help you remember what it was like: https://www.historicmysteries.com/history/first-thanksgiving/1172/.
Now that you’ve read a bit about the first Thanksgiving, write a story about it. Pretend you’re one of the Pilgrims or Indians (male or female, adult or child) preparing for the feast.
How different was that first Thanksgiving celebration from the ones we have today?

November 13-18
You’re on your way to your parents’ house for Thanksgiving. They live several hours away, so you’re in for a long trip. You take a shortcut through the woods to save some time. Unfortunately, you experience some car trouble while going through these woods, and your cell phone can’t get any signal where you’re at, so you’re stuck.
You spy what looks like a little motel a bit ahead of you, so you take off walking to it. At least you’ll have somewhere warm and dry to sleep, and you can find help tomorrow. The closer you get to this motel though, the more you’re filled with unease. Why?

November 19-24
When leaves cover your yard, you have to watch out for dangers hidden in them. There could be bugs and other creepy crawly pests (ants, beetles, centipedes, earwigs, aphids, rodents, spiders, snakes, stinging insects, ticks) or sharp objects. Speaking of stinging insects, you really need to watch out for yellowjackets. While moving some junk out of our yard that had been left by the previous owners, we discovered, much to our dismay, that yellowjackets had built a nest in the ground below these items. Those suckers chased us and stung us. When they slammed into us, it felt like we had been hit with a baseball. The experience was quite painful. I would not want to run across them hidden in the leaves.
Doesn’t knowing about what could be lurking in your leaves make jumping in a huge pile of them sound like so much more fun?
But you’re safe from finding anything else dangerous, right? Maybe, maybe not.
What if while raking the leaves that are blanketing your yard, you discover. . .
. . . a random piece of jewelry that turns out to be extremely valuable?
. . . a folder stuffed full of government papers?
. . .a mysterious-looking piece of mail that belongs to your neighbor down the street?
. . .an unopened vial with some sort of liquid in it?
. . .part of a human arm?

November 25-30
Everyone is gathered for a scrumptious Thanksgiving dinner, and the scent of all the delicious food fills the air. The atmosphere is friendly and jovial, and no one has any hard feelings toward anyone else. Family and friends sit around the table and join hands as they bow their heads for a prayer of thankfulness for the food and all their blessings.
Everyone who had dogs had brought them along. So the cats wouldn’t freak out from having dogs in the house they didn’t know, all the dogs had been put outside in the fenced-in yard. But the window in the back room was open. And one of the cats was parading back and forth on the window will, teasing the dogs. One of the dogs has had enough and makes a daring jump through the window, chasing the cat through the house, and then the rest of the dogs follow. What happens in the chaos and hilarity that ensues? Is there a Thanksgiving dinner left to eat?

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