Bea Walker’s life was turned upside down once she discovered she was a Blood-Light (part human, part Ferroean). Her mom called it a gift. The government considers her a weapon. But Bea never had a choice. Her life hasn’t been the same since.
Imagine that the battle for your soul’s eternal resting place was decided in a courtroom. You are on trial for every little thing, good or bad, that you’ve ever done in your life. Joe has always heard this voice. This voice helped him with his schoolwork and when bullied. This voice helped him with his…
How do the authors keep the dates for each specific storyline straight? Why did they decide to introduce a character into the story who was an autistic savant? How do they choose to which people to dedicate each episode? How do you keep the dates for each specific storyline straight? I find myself having to…
Serena McKay is a female detective with an ugly past, but this awful past has made her into the strong and sarcastic detective in search of justice that she is. Three different storylines are intertwined. First storyline: Serena takes on the case of a missing child. When Serena first meets the mom, she notices that…
Think about your life for a moment. What decision did you make that defines who you are? What would have happened if you chose another path? Would you still be happy? What if there are other yous out there? This science-fiction thriller is full of surprises. Jason Dessen’s peaceful, happy life is thrown into turmoil.…