A few months ago, a new canine joined our family. Her name is Bella, and she is a beagle treeing walker coonhound. Although she is a very active dog who is seldom still except when asleep, she is the perfect companion for our other dog, Khaleesi.
A superstition is a belief or notion that is not based on reason or knowledge. Most superstitions result from ignorance, fear of the unknown, or trust in magic or chance. Will saying “white rabbit” on the first day of the month bring you good luck for the rest of the month? What is supposed to happen if an owl gets inside your house?
Are you trying to come up with a town name that makes one think of snow or the winter holiday season? Did you know towns appropriately named for winter and/or Christmas stories already exist? AlabamaBell, AlabamaBethlehem, AlabamaChestnut, AlabamaEvergreen, AlabamaStar, Alabama AlaskaCandle, AlaskaNorth Pole, AlaskaWiseman, Alaska ArizonaBell, ArizonaChristmas, ArizonaHumbug, ArizonaPartridge, ArizonaSanta Claus, ArizonaSilver Bell, ArizonaSnowflake, Arizona…
A thunderstorm produces heavy rain and is accompanied by thunder and lightning. Sometimes it also produces hail and heavy damaging winds. They are a natural hazard, and when conditions are right, they unleash their fury. Unstable air, or air that is heavy with water, will be picked up from the ground by wind and rise into…
A flood, according to the dictionary, is a great flowing or overflowing of water, especially over land not usually submerged. Floods are a natural occurrence. Violent thunderstorms pour massive amounts of water down on a town or city. When the ground is saturated, the water just stays on top, and you might need to live…
Does the ghost of a librarian that just couldn’t bear to be parted from her books frequent the library in your hometown? Does she reside there peacefully unless disturbed? Does she react like the ghost librarian from Ghostbusters if you try to talk to her? Or is she more like the ghost librarian at the…