Lumina City is full of werewolves, vampires, and demons. Corruption and evil fill this city. It is the Vanguard’s job to protect the world from demonic forces. But the Vanguard in Lumina City are corrupt. Instead of helping the citizens in their fight against their foe, they are using their powerful positions and elite combat skills to become rich.

Cato, a former Vanguard, has had enough.
Aldous, a disgraced Vanguard, has been turned into a vampire by the mysterious White Lady. But his knowledge of alchemy is needed in this fight against the demons, so his vile appetites are put up with. When his disgusting appetites lead to him kidnapping Cato’s girlfriend, the fight is on against Aldous and his werewolf associates.
If Cato isn’t successful in stopping all the corruption, things are going to be very bad.
This World of Love and Strife is the perfect blend of horror and action. The first fight between Cato and a demon was awesome, but my favorite part was the very detailed, action-filled fight between Cato and one very angry werewolf.
This World of Love and Strife is a book you want to read if you enjoy action, suspense, horror, and the paranormal. Virtual Author Book Tours sent me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you would like to purchase this book, I’ve included an Amazon link below for it.
Amazon Link: This World of Love and Strife
Note: Mythology really interests me, so I loved it when the author managed to fit in som mythology from Japan. He talks about how a giant catfish, Namazu, is kept pinned under the mud of Japan to keep it from thrashing. Kashina is the god who sees to it that Namazu stays pinned. If this catfish quits thrashing for even a second, all sorts of natural disasters will occur.

Favorite Sentences:
The latter was the ridiculousness he expected, ranging from experiments to create mutant fish people to a secret aquatic invasion.
He would suffer the same grisly death, eaten by otherworldly entities that manifested on this plane of existence to dine on human flesh.
Baring his teeth with a snarl, he ran his massive tongue over his fangs, almost as large as fingers.
Cato entered the casino’s revolving doors with the cutlass strapped to his back and a machine gun in his hand, garbed head to toe with Kevlar armor coated in alchemical silver.
New Words Learned:
apostate – a person who forsakes his religion, cause, party, etc.

diablerie – diabolic magic or art; sorcery; witchcraft
exemplar – a model or pattern to be copied or imitated
hyperbolic – exaggerated
About the Author:
Living in New Jersey for all his life, Shawn Mackey has been writing since childhood. Though his favorite genre is horror, he has a deep appreciation for fantasy influenced by mythology and science fiction that questions the modern world and its future.
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