Valentine’s Day hearts, pixabay
Have you thought of the perfect Valentine’s Day story? Have you named your characters? Maybe all you need is the name of the town it takes place in. Listed below are the names of towns that would be fitting for tales that take place on or around Valentine’s Day.
Whether you write romance or historical fiction, mysteries or thrillers, horror, science fiction, or fantasy, I’m sure you can find the name of a town listed to meet your needs.
The states are listed alphabetically, and under each state name, the towns are listed alphabetically. This should satisfy all of you who, like me, are OCD about things like that.
Daisy, Alabama (Butler County)
Daisy, Alabama (Etowah County)
Diamond, Alabama
Flowers, Alabama
Love Hill, Alabama
Valentine, Alabama

flowers, pixabay
Love, Arizona
Valentine, Arizona
Daisy, Arkansas
Heart, Arkansas
Romance, Arkansas
Valentine, Arkansas
Bouquet Canyon, California
Bouquet Junction, California
Diamond, California
Lovers Leap, California

diamond, pixabay
Loveland, Colorado
Romeo, Colorado
Lily, Florida
Orchid, Florida (Indian River County)
Orchid, Florida (St. Lucie County)
Romeo, Florida
Rose, Florida
Daisy, Georgia
Diamond, Georgia
Loving, Georgia
Rose, Georgia

rose, wikimedia commons
Arrow, Idaho
Diamond, Idaho
Rose, Idaho (Bingham County)
Rose, Idaho (Caribou County)
Diamond, Illinois
Love, Illinois
Diamond, Indiana
Valentine, Indiana
Diamond, Iowa
Loveland, Iowa
Rose, Iowa
Rose, Kansas

Cupid’s arrow, pixabay
Arrow, Kentucky
Daisy, Kentucky
Diamond, Kentucky
Lily, Kentucky
Love, Kentucky
Loving, Kentucky
Diamond, Louisiana
Valentine, Louisiana
Daisy, Maryland
Hallmark, Maryland
Love Point, Maryland
Loveville, Maryland
Valentine Creek, Maryland
Romeo, Michigan

bamboo orchid, wikipedia
Orchid, Minnesota
Valentine, Minnesota
Cardsville, Mississippi
Flowers, Mississippi
Gift, Mississippi
Love, Mississippi
Daisy, Missouri
Diamond, Missouri
Love Lake, Missouri
Orchid, Missouri
Romance, Missouri
Heart Butte, Montana
Valentine, Montana

heart made of roses, featurepics.com
Rose, Nebraska
Valentine, Nebraska
Roses Well, Nevada (ghost town)
New Jersey
Loveladies, New Jersey
Valentine, New Jersey
New Mexico
Loving, New Mexico
New York
Daisy, New York
Flowers, New York
Love Canal, New York
Rose, New York
Valentines Beach, New York
North Carolina
Flowers, North Carolina
Gold, North Carolina

candy for Valentine’s Day, wikimedia commons
Candy Town, Ohio
Diamond, Ohio
Loveland Park, Ohio
Daisy, Oklahoma
Loveland, Oklahoma
Loving, Oklahoma
Romance, Oklahoma
Rose, Oklahoma
Carnation, Oregon
Diamond, Oregon
Diamond, Pennsylvania
Gold, Pennsylvania
Heart Lake, Pennsylvania
Lover, Pennsylvania
Roses, Pennsylvania

daisy, wikipedia
South Carolina
Daisy, South Carolina
Hallmark, South Carolina
Valentine, South Carolina
South Dakota
Diamond, South Dakota
Lily, South Dakota
Arrow, Tennessee
Daisy, Tennessee
Flowers, Tennessee
Gift, Tennessee
Love Lady, Tennessee
Mount Juliet, Tennessee
Romeo, Tennessee

chocolate, www.freestockphotos.biz
Chocolate Bayou, Texas
Gold, Texas
Love, Texas
Loving, Texas
Valentine, Texas
Diamond, Utah
Gold, Utah
Daisy, Virginia
Love, Virginia
Orchid, Virginia
Valentines, Virginia

carnation, www.torange.us
Carnation, Washington
Daisy, Washington
Diamond, Washington
Loveland, Washington
West Virginia
Daisy, West Virginia
Diamond, West Virginia
Romance, West Virginia
Lily, Wisconsin
Romance, Wisconsin
Diamond, Wyoming

girl writing, etc.usf.edu
Writing Prompts
Write a story showing why each town was given its romantic name. Was there a story of love behind it? Or was the name based on a murder, robbery, kidnapping, or other crime? Or maybe it was just a name that the person whose decision it was liked. For instance, Lover’s Leap, California. Is there a place in the town where lovers used to commit suicide? If so, why?
I’m sure you noticed that many of the cities listed above are named after flowers. Why not write a romantic mystery where flowers aid in the solving of the crime or the capture of the killer?
Whatever genre you prefer to write in, why not create a game out of it? Have your characters go on a hunt (what they are hunting for would depend on the genre), one that leads them all over the United States from one romantic city to the next.
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