Are you writing a mystery about cars? Or maybe you are a car fanatic. Have you ever thought about using a town with the name of a car in your story? Below you will find the list of towns that have the same name as automobiles. The states they’re in are listed in alphabetical order, and the towns are listed beneath them in alphabetical order.
Whether you write mystery, horror, romance, or suspense, I’m sure you can find a town below that will spark your imagination and/or curiosity.

Blackwood, Alabama
Bonneville, Alabama
Chrysler, Alabama
Fleetwood, Alabama
Catalina, Arizona
Coronado, Arizona
Riviera, Arizona

Colt, Arkansas
LaCrosse, Arkansas
Rocky, Arkansas
Rover, Arkansas
Skylark, Arkansas
Summit, Arkansas

Avalon, California
Catalina Island, California
Concord, California
Cougar, California
Diablo, California
El Dorado, California
Imperial, California
La Honda, California
Lotus, California
Malibu, California
Monaco, California
Monterey, California
Pacifica, California
Rodeo, California
Silverado, California
Somerset, California
Tiburon, California

Durango, Colorado
Eagle, Colorado
Cobalt, Connecticut
Bronco, Georgia
Dasher, Georgia
DeSoto, Georgia

Tahoe, Idaho
Capri Village, Illinois
Dakota, Illinois
Golf, Illinois
Milan, Illinois
Passport, Illinois
Renault, Illinois
Sorento, Illinois
Torino, Illinois
Triumph, Illinois
Flat, Indiana

Cherokee, Iowa
Packard, Iowa
Dodge City, Kansas
Monte Carlo, Kansas

Beetle, Kentucky
Chevrolet, Kentucky
Lancer, Kentucky
Spider, Kentucky
Torrent, Kentucky
Viper, Kentucky
Bentley, Louisiana
Mariner, Maine

Avalon, Maryland
Pinto, Maryland
Accord, Massachusetts
Cayenne, Massachusetts
Dodge, Massachusetts
Armada, Michigan
Cadillac, Michigan
Plymouth, Michigan
Pontiac, Michigan
Echo, Minnesota
Fairmont, Minnesota
Granada, Minnesota
Regal, Minnesota
Swift, Minnesota

Ford, Mississippi
Sable, Mississippi
Blazer, Missouri
Buick, Missouri
Omega, Missouri
Topaz, Missouri
Comet, Montana
Sundance, Montana
Volt, Montana
Lincoln, Nebraska
Newport, Nebraska
Mercury, Nevada
Pilot, Nevada
Reno, Nevada
Tempest, Nevada

New Mexico
Mirage, New Mexico
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Thunderbird, New Mexico
New York
Conquest, New York
North Carolina
Zephyr, North Carolina
Continental, Ohio
Lynx, Ohio
Marquis, Ohio
Nova, Ohio
Seville, Ohio
Fox, Oklahoma
Mustang, Oklahoma

Corsica, Pennsylvania
Endeavor, Pennsylvania
Trooper, Pennsylvania
South Carolina
Liberty, South Carolina
Caravelle, Tennessee
Falcon, Tennessee
Echo, Gaines County, Texas
Echo, Jasper County, Texas
LaSalle, Texas
Pantera, Texas
Saturn, Texas
Horizon, Utah

Shadow, Virginia
Spirit, Washington
Tacoma, Washington
Vantage, Washington
West Virginia
Amigo, West Virginia
Century, West Virginia
Premier, West Virginia
Ranger, West Virginia
Sterling, West Virginia
Avalanche, Wisconsin
Frontier, Wyoming
If you know of any more cities with car names, please let me know about them.

Writing Prompts
Whether you write romance or historical fiction, mysteries or thrillers, horror, science fiction, or fantasy, the name of one of these towns listed can be used. I’ll use Torrent, Kentucky as an example.
Was the town in your story named after a car? Maybe the town was named after the car. Or is the name coincidental?
Torrent, Kentucky is just a few minutes away from me, near Natural Bridge State Park, Red River Gorge, and Daniel Boone National Forest. This little town wasn’t named after the Pontiac Torrent; a nearby waterfall inspired the name.
Visitors who stay in Torrent might want to be close to Natural Bridge State Park and/or Red River Gorge. They could also be there for the rock climbing. Who knows? They might also want to visit Miguel’s Pizza in Slade, Kentucky. Each time we have driven by Miguel’s, it has been packed.
Torrent, Kentucky is in Wolfe County. The population of the entire county is around 7200 people, but because of its location and the attraction of rock climbing, there are a lot of tourists.
Romance? A couple first meet each other on a rock-climbing expedition and fall in love in this town.
Mystery? One of the residents or Torrent who just happens to drive a Torrent isn’t what he (or she) appears to be.
Suspense? A terrorist holds the town hostage. Will anyone save the residents? Who?

Horror? A Torrent that has come to life terrorizes this little town, seeking revenge on those that have hurt its owner.
Science Fiction/Fantasy – While on a rock climbing adventure, a group encounters more adventure than they planned on. They climb into another reality.
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