What is a unicorn? According to dictionary.com, a unicorn is a mythical creature resembling a horse, with a single horn in the center of its forehead, often symbolic of chastity or purity. This animal, mentioned in the Bible in Deuteronomy 33:17, is now believed by some to be a description of a wild ox or rhinoceros.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but it is up to the author to write those thousand words. (Richard Petracca) Will you be the one to write those thousand words?
When you look at a picture, do you only see what is right in front of your eyes? Or do you see more? Maybe you can see romance. Or maybe you are someone who reads fantasy, mystery, intrigue, or even horror into everything you see.
In each picture in this article, there is a unicorn sitting in the rubble of a burned house. Ask “what if” questions and come up with stories that could be written based on each one. Allow your imagination to take flight and explore all possibilities.
What if this is real unicorn? You’re first response could be no, unicorns are only white. But this is wrong. Unicorns can be jet-black or brown or a dazzling gold. They can even be a brilliant red. Of course, they can also be pure white.
So, back to the question. What if this a real unicorn? Is this the first real unicorn captured on film? Why did it decide to rest in front of the rubble of a burned house? Was the unicorn responsible for the house burning down? If so, why? Did the people who lived here do something bad to this unicorn? Did they have an inborn hatred of these creatures? How did they come into contact with it? Were they horrified to find out that these creatures existed? Were they trying to kill this magnificent specimen of one? Why?

Where did this unicorn come from? What if it is from some distant planet that is inhabited by others of its kind? What if it was exiled to earth? What were its crimes? Does it intend to live a peaceful, crime-free life here or is it determined to cause destruction and mayhem?
The above picture has an apocalyptic tone to it, which would be good for a fantasy story set here on earth or on some imaginary world destruction has rained down on. Was this world attacked with bombs? Did a flight of dragons attack this world and burn everything in their path? Have the unicorns and the dragons been at war? If so, for how long? Or was it a surprise attack?

Of what significance is the broken glass around the unicorn? Does broken glass follow the unicorn wherever it travels? Why? What kind of power does this broken glass give to the unicorn? Does the unicorn travel through this broken glass?
Or what if that house had belonged to the unicorn? Is it simply sitting outside where it once lived, mourning the destruction of its abode?
What if . . .
What other writing prompts can you think of? Feel free to share them in the comments.
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