They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but it is up to the author to write those thousand words. (Richard Petracca) Will you be the one to write those thousand words?
When you look at a picture, do you only see what is right in front of your eyes? Or do you see more? Maybe you can see romance. Or maybe you are someone who reads mystery, intrigue, or horror into everything you see.

bridge pixabay
To the right is a picture of a wooden bridge and it appears to have woods all around it. You need to study this picture, ask “what if” questions and come up with stories that could be written based on each one. Allow your imagination to take flight and explore all possibilities.
My first question would be: why is there a bridge in the woods? Who built it? What if someone who resided in the woods built it? For what purpose? What if it was built out of wood that came from the trees around it? What if those trees, that wood, is cursed? What if those trees had been alive? What if they are still alive?
What if this bridge was traveled heavily sometime in the past? If so, was it traveled by horses, by horse and buggy, or by cars? Or was it just crossed by people?
Now, what if it was heavily traveled in the past but isn’t any longer? Why not? What happened? What if a better place to cross the body of water it covers opened? Is there a body of water still beneath it? Or has it dried up and left nothing but dirt and rocks?
What if this bridge is the place where true love began for a couple? How did these two meet? What had their relationship been like up until the time they met on this bridge? What brought them each to this bridge at the same time? Did they make the decision to go there together? Maybe they decided to get married and proclaim their love in front of everyone on this bridge.
What if this bridge a place of great emotional heartbreak for someone? If so, what happened? What if a love was lost through death? What if a painful dissolution of a relationship took place here?
The Aokigara forest in Japan is the world’s second most popular place to commit suicide. The first? The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California. What if this bridge is a place where people go to commit suicide? If so, how did this start? What if ghosts frequent this bridge and the area surrounding it?
What if a serial killer has chosen the area around this bridge as a place to either display or bury his victims? What if this serial killer murders them here? Or are the victims killed elsewhere and transported to this area? What if the serial killer lives close to the bridge? What if something tragic happened to this person at the bridge that turned him (or her) into a killer?

cat writing, pixabay
Is this bridge on Earth?
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Nice prompts, Lisa. I like the picture of the bridge. Seems like I’m always trying to cross one when I write!