A couch potato is someone who spends a great deal of time watching television, but what is a mouse potato? What is the dagger used to deliver the death blow to a severely wounded person called? The earliest documented use of thinko was in the 1990s. What does this word mean?

besaiel – Have you ever wondered what the proper term is for you grandfather’s father? Your great-grandfather is a besaiel. If you would like to go even further, your grandfather is an aiel, and your great-great-grandfather is a tresaiel.
cwm – First, the pronunciation of this word is koom. Second, if you’re a Scrabble player, you should absolutely love this word. Cwm comes to us from the Welsh language. So what is a cwm? It is a steep bowl-shaped mountain basin carved by glaciers. It is also known as a cirque.
gazump – Gazump means to swindle. to raise the price after already accepting an offer from a buyer. Gazump possibly comes to us from the Yiddish gezumph, which means to overcharge.
grinagog – Do you know someone who always has a smile on their face? Their world collapses around them and still they are smiling. Have you wondered if there is a name for this sort of person? This person is a grinagog, someone who is always grinning or smiling.

misericord – A misericord is something that provides support to a standing person. When I first read that definition, I wondered what kind of person would need support to stand? Of course, one who couldn’t walk would need support or one who had trouble walking. I consulted many dictionaries and websites to get a deeper understanding of this word, and I found the best definition in Wikipedia: A misericord (sometimes named mercy seat, like the biblical object) is a small wooden structure formed on the underside of a folding seat in a church. When the seat is folded up, it is intended to act as a shelf to support a person in a partially standing position during long periods of prayer.
A misericord is also the dagger used to deliver the death blow to put a severely wounded person out of their misery.
mouse potato – A couch potato is a lazy and inactive person, especially someone who spends a great deal of time watching television. A mouse potato is still a lazy and inactive person, but instead of spending their time watching television, they spend their time playing computer games, surfing the net, streaming videos, etc.

phillumenist – People collect all sorts of things. My stepmom collects ceramic owls. My son, on the other hand, collected hem tags when he was little. A phillumenist is someone who collects matchboxes, matchbooks, or their labels.
sialoquent – Sialoquent is an adjective that means spraying saliva when speaking. Hypersalivation, also known as sialorrhea or ptyalism, is when a person has too much saliva in their mouth.
thinko – Thinko, a combination of the words think and typo, is a careless error in thinking or a glitch in one’s thinking. It could be due to a lack of sleep or a distraction.

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