Category: Suspense/Thrillers

The Turn of the Screw: the Book & the Movie – a Review

A young governess travels to a secluded estate to care for two children.  She discovers, much to her horror that a couple of ghosts are hanging around, and these children are communicating with them.  The governess fears that these ghosts are evil and attempting to possess the children. The rather creepy children know about these…

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow: the Book, the Audiobook, the Movie, & the Series – a Review

Most everyone has heard of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and its headless horseman that terrorizes a village. You have probably also heard about the movie and television series, both of which are loosely based on the classic by Washington Irving. First is a review of the book, favorite sentences, and new words learned. After…

Desper Hollow -a Review

A zombie’s only purpose is to kill and eat. They don’t have feelings. They don’t think. In Desper Hollow,  Elizabeth Massie has taken the ever-evolving zombie to a new level of existence. Something evil is going on in Desper Hollow, Virginia. This is a place to be avoided, a place people shy away from visiting. Granny…

Horrorstor: A Novel – a Review

What is going on at Orsk? When the employees leave each evening, the store is in perfect order. They walk in the next morning to find broken bookshelves, smashed wardrobes, and shattered goblets. This chilling tale will make you think twice before you visit your next furniture store. I wanted to start reading this book…