Category: Phobias

Formidophobia – the Fear of Scarecrows

How long have scarecrows been around, and what country first used them? Nowadays scarecrows can be found in books, movies, and fall decorations. Which books portray them as something to be feared? Which books do not? And what causes people to suffer from formidophobia, the fear of scarecrows?

Cyssanophobia and Other Christmas Phobias

The Christmas season is one of beauty and joy. Decorations, some simple and others showy, can be seen just about anywhere – in stores, in restaurants, in suburbs, in the country. Once the sky darkens, the air is filled with flashing lights of all colors. Men dressed as Santa Claus can be found in just about any store you enter.

Chiroptophobia, the Fear of Bats

Phobias are constant, irrational fears that afflict some people. Their fears should be taken seriously. They should never be made fun of or belittled. But, as writers, we can bless (or curse) our characters with phobias and make the story so much more interesting. What happens if someone encounters the object of their fear? They…

Surrounded by Creepy Crawlies

Did you realize we are surrounded by creepy crawlies?  These creatures are enough to bring on scary dreams if you think long enough about them.  One or more of these creepy crawlies could be used as fodder for a nightmare-inducing tale. If your character has acarophobia (an irrational fear of small bugs), murophobia (irrational fear…

Owls: Harbingers of Doom

According to, a superstition is a belief or notion, not based reason or knowledge, in or of the ominous significance of a particular thing, circumstance, occurrence, proceeding, or the like.  It is an irrational fear of the unknown or mysterious. Many myths and legends, good and bad, exist about the owl. Some see them…