This morning I woke up to find snow blanketing the ground. I’m not a fan of snow, but it is beautiful. . .until it melts and makes everything muddy. For this month’s writing prompts, explore the world of opossums, wake up in a room filled with books that won’t open, and deal with a crazy kitchen catastrophe. These writing prompts and more should keep you busy all month long, possibly even into next year.

December 1-6
Bella, one of my dogs, a Beagle Treeing Walker Coonhound, found an opossum the other night when I let them both out to use the bathroom. The young opossum was, well, playing possum. Bella was so proud of what she had, but I made her collar beep, and she immediately dropped it so I could get her back in the house. My husband went and got the shovel and saw this young opossum raise its head up and look at him before quickly playing possum again. He scooped it up on the shovel and gently placed it on the other side of the fence out of Bella’s reach.
Research the phrase “playing possum.”
Even though this young one was playing possum, what thoughts were going through its head? Was it afraid of dying?

Write about the family life of this possum.
Where was its family? Did they see Bella pick it up and take off prancing across the yard with it? Were they reunited after it was placed on the other side of the fence?
Write about the differences between a possum and an opossum.
Write about an unusual friendship between this opossum and Bella.

December 7-12
When you wake up after a night of unusually deep sleep, you’re so sleep drunk that you don’t know what exactly happened the night before or where you are now. You’re even more confused when you look around and all you see are books, books, and more books. Bookshelves fill the room. You smile to yourself. This is something you’ve always dreamed of! Living in a place filled with books! You wander around looking at the titles, find one you want to start reading, and pull it off the shelf. But it won’t open. Well, hmm. There must’ve been a mistake with this one. You find another one you want to read, pull it from the shelf, and find it won’t open either. The same thing happens with each book you pull from the shelves. You search for a door to leave this horrible room, but none is to be found. Where are you? Are you in book hell?

December 13-19
You wake up this morning with plans for a busy, busy day until you look outside. Snow wasn’t in the forecast for last night, but it didn’t really care. A blizzard, a massive one, covered your town in snow last night, and traveling anywhere will be impossible today. How do you spend your day?
December 20-25
What is your favorite Christmas tradition? Something happens this year to disrupt your plans, but things turn out better than they ever have before.

December 26-31
Preparations for this New Year’s Eve dinner got a bit out of hand, and things went crazy. Your kitchen is a disaster! Buttery mashed potatoes, instead of being safe inside their bowl, are all over the kitchen (floor, counters, chairs, table). Cake batter and pie filling drops from the ceiling, and what landed on the ceiling fan is now being flung all over the kitchen. The corned beef was dropped, and before it hit the floor the two dogs each caught an end of it, tore it in half, and took off with their treasure. What led to this kitchen catastrophe happen? What will you do for dinner? And will have any help cleaning up this mess?

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