Sanctuary Road – a Review

Dayna’s musician husband has left her for another woman, one who is pregnant with his child. While waiting for her divorce to be finalized, she returns home to the small town of Cedarwood, Kentucky, leaving behind the hustle and bustle of New York City. But will her life in Cedarwood be any less stressful?

Her young life had been rough, so reconnecting with her brother—her parents are dead—won’t be easy, but it is something she feels the need to do.

Does Dayna really know anyone in her hometown? Secrets hidden from her for so long will open her eyes to the hard truth about her family.

The Blood Moon Festival hadn’t been celebrated since 1969 when several murders, still unsolved, took place. When Dayna returns home, the murders begin once again.

Her friend, Alex, has been having recurring nightmares. Dayna calls on a friend in New York, Kelly, who is a psychiatrist to help get to the bottom of what is causing her nightmares. Since Kelly is having marital troubles of her own, she will be staying with Dayna while working with Alex.

Secrets by MaydenSteele1313, DeviantArt

The story is interesting, and the first part of it raised many questions in this reader’s mind, but nothing grabbed me. My curiosity was raised, but nothing happened that made me want to stay up past my bedtime reading. So many things were going on, but I failed to see how they were connected. I knew something not so nice was going on under the surface though. Then it all clicked with me. The secrets, all of the horrible things that were intended to stay hidden, began to surface, and I couldn’t put the book down. Housework was forgotten. Sleep was forgotten. I was hooked.

Sanctuary Road put me in mind of the Miss Marple murder mysteries by Agatha Christie. Why? Miss Marple said that one does see so much evil in a village. She also said that there is a great deal of wickedness in village life. Wickedness and evil were definitely present in Cedarwood.

I was sent a copy of Sanctuary Road in exchange for an honest review. Any fan of great mystery and suspense fiction would love this book. If you would like your own copy, I’ve provided an Amazon link for you below.


Amazon Link: Sanctuary Road

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Favorite Sentences:

The trunks lined together like soldiers until they converged in the empty places where the leaves were so sparse, the skeletonized frames stood dark and angry.

She was drawn to the restaurant like a lantern in a window on a dark night.

Robert Frost’s less-traveled road had been so isolated it was undetectable, a winding, bending road to nowhere.

The scent of honeysuckle was invigorating, and she drew closer to the source near the master bedroom window.

New Word Learned:

lemniscate – the infinity symbol

About the Author:
Lisa Robin Phillips Colodny (1963 – ) was born and grew up in the rural countryside of Kentucky. She attended the University of Kentucky and Broward College in Fort Lauderdale, graduated with a Doctorate in Pharmacy from Nova Southeastern University in 1994, and later obtained an MBA in 2004.

Her nonfiction publishing history includes approximately 34 publications in the health and science industry and 5 book contributions (also medical). Additionally, she’s been interviewed for 15 television programs or newspaper articles and participated in over 50 healthcare related speaking events.

Her fiction publishing history includes a short story publication (My Name is Edith) for the Broward College newspaper and an X-files story (H2O) that appeared in a magazine entitled to the Fullest X tent in 1997.

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