From the first book in the Second Species series up to this one, the main storyline has been Marek’s need for revenge on Ravagiu for what he did to his family. At times, so many other things were going on with Marek and his brothers that it seemed the need for revenge had gone away, but it never did.

Ravagiu has made attempts again and again to hurt and/or kill Marek and those close to him. In the last book, it appeared that Marek was finally successful in taking his revenge on Ravagiu and killing him. But when Shadow Avenged begins, his body still has not been found. He had been shot three times in the chest, and they were 99% sure he was dead, but . . .
Ravagiu did, in fact, survive but barely. Wasting away, he is badly in need of human blood to restore himself.
There are so many other things going on in this book, so many other subplots taking place. Weddings are being planned and taking place. A romance is beginning. An adoption is underway. A long-lost sister returns home with an infant son in tow. The one who had been substituted for the long-lost sister finds true love. In my mind though, Marek’s needed revenge on Ravagiu overshadows everything else.
Everything that happens leads to the not-so-peaceful meeting of the Strykers with Ravagiu. Their enemy is not killed in this epic battle, but something worse happens to him. I’m curious as to what will happen to him in the future books in this series because I really don’t think this is the last we’ll see of him.
I was sent a copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review. If you would like to read Shadow Avenged, I’ve provided an Amazon link for you below.

Amazon Link: Shadow Avenged
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Favorite Sentences:
Hadn’t his life up to that point been as convoluted and intricate as one of Shakespeare’s plays?

Feeling as if he were walking into a den of sleeping wolves, Timothy pretended nonchalance as he pulled open the screen door and stepped inside.
Out here in the dark with no sounds but the lap of water against the bayou’s banks, and the occasional cricket chirp or bullfrog croak, with darkness rapidly getting deeper on all sides, he wondered why he’s done such a stupid thing.
Pacified momentarily by his master’s words, as soon as he was out of sight, worry and anxiety, as well as a good deal of rebellion and anger, set in.
None of them dared get close for fear of being raked by those poison-filled nails.
New Word Learned:
gimlet – having a piercing, penetrating, or driving quality

About the Author:
A writer of French Huguenot extraction, Tony-Paul de Vissage’s first movie memory is of being six years old, viewing the old Universal horror flick, Dracula’s Daughter on television, and being scared sleepless–and that may explain a lifelong interest in vampires.
This was further inspired when the author was kidnapped by a band of transplanted Romanian vampires sightseeing in the South. Having never seen a human who wasn’t frightened of them, they offered to pay the youngster’s way through college if he would become an author and write about vampires in a positive manner. He agreed, was returned to his parents (who were also grateful for the tuition offer since it let them off the hook) and continued to keep in touch with his supernatural mentors.
Though the author didn’t begin writing horror–or any other genre–until after graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts from a well-known Southern University (and a second in Graphic Art), that one particular interest—and the promise made to his mentors—survived a liberal arts’ education and the scorn of friends and family. Marriage, parenthood, divorce, and a variety of occupations ranging from stage work to doctor’s assistant took precedent over writing for several years, as did moving from one United States coast to another.
Eventually that first story—a short story about the hapless vampire Clan Andriescu—was published. A voracious reader whose personal library has been shipped more than 3,000 miles, Tony-Paul has read hundreds of vampire tales and viewed more than as many movies.
TP currently has twenty-five novels published, twenty-three under the Class Act Books imprint.
Twitter: @tpvissage