Sara’s mom and dad are dismayed when they receive a letter informing them that it is their turn to look after Sara’s cousins. But they’ll only be staying for a month. What could go wrong? More importantly, why could anything go wrong?
How does he think William Shakespeare would react to his book? What made him decide to combine Shakespeare and Star Wars? What is iambic pentameter? What kind of books does he like to read? Who has been his greatest inspiration? What do you think William Shakespeare’s reaction would be to your book? He would probably…
Have nightmares ever been an issue for this author? How completely does he develop his characters before beginning to write? Why isn’t the main character’s name ever given? What are his thoughts on self-publishing? Sway begins with the transcription of dialogue between a doctor and his patient. The patient’s name, blacked out except for two…
Does it really matter if you use single quotation marks or regular quotation marks? Yes, it does. It all depends on what they are being used for. It turns out that the majority of the time, regular quotation marks are called for. Regular Quotation MarksRegular quotation marks are used to indicate a direct quotation or…
Times were hard for everyone during the 1930’s depression. For Negroes, the fact that most did not respect them as people made it even harder for many of them. What they said was seldom believed, and most thought them useless. Then Jonah, an unassuming, exceptionally polite Negro who seems to know just what is going…
What exactly is dialogue? It is simply a conversation between two or more characters. Nothing fancy, just a conversation. But the mere mention or thought of dialogue scares a lot of writers who will do just about anything to avoid it. The fear of writing dialogue must be conquered. We practice dialogue every time we…