Will you be leaving later or latter? Would a lath or a lathe be used to cut the wood? Does a lay or a lei go around your neck? Is a lea or a lee a meadow? Is a leach or a leech a bloodsucking worm?
Arsenic, cyanide, and strychnine are the classic poisons. The seemingly innocent little old ladies in Arsenic and Old Lace, one of my favorite movies, used these three poisons in their deadly elderberry wine. One gallon of this toxic wine contained one teaspoon of arsenic, half a teaspoon of strychnine, and just a pinch of cyanide. Unsuspecting…
There are two species of panda: giant pandas bears and red pandas or lesser pandas. The black-and-white giant pandas are easily recognized. The red pandas resemble raccoons. Random Facts About Pandas Giant pandas can grow to be five or six feet tall. Red pandas only grow to a height of 20-25 inches. An adult giant…