Tag: LC Champlin

Matt Nagin – Do You Really Need To Outline?

In ๐‘‚๐‘› ๐‘Š๐‘Ÿ๐‘–๐‘ก๐‘–๐‘›๐‘”, Stephen King claims โ€œoutlines are the last resource of bad fiction writers.โ€ King suggests they limit inspiration and the joy of creativity. Jack Kerouac likely agreed, writing novels such as ๐‘‚๐‘› ๐‘กโ„Ž๐‘’ ๐‘…๐‘œ๐‘Ž๐‘‘ in a stream-of-conscious style on a long roll of paper.

Day of Darkness โ€“ a Review

Never did I imagine that anything would end the friendship of Nathan and Albin. Those two have been through so much and fought side by side against the cannibals. But this friendship ended on a bad note with one of them being shot by the other. Now, not only does Nathan have to stop the oil-drooling cannibals, he has do so with Albin working against him.

Ways of Darkness (Unclean Evolution, Book 2) โ€“ a Review

San Francisco was the site of horrible terrorist attack where a contagion was unleashed that turned humans into oil-drooling zombies. At the end of book one, Nathan, who believes himself to be Godโ€™s chosen savior to restore control, manages to escape infection and death. Now the race is on to see who will end up…

LC Champlin – Truth is Stranger Than Fiction: Using History and Real-Life Events in Fiction

The best lie has a nugget of truth. Likewise, the best fictional story has a nugget, or maybe an entire Happy Meal, of reality. Check out any fantasy book, and you’ll find parallels to either present or historical elements. They might be leaders, wars, or social movements. So why is truth stranger than fiction? In…

Behold Darkness: Wolves of the Apocalypse (Unclean Evolution, Book 1) โ€“ a Review

Nathan is not having a good day. Heโ€™s on a business trip, but thatโ€™s not the bad thing. The bad thing is that the building heโ€™s in is attacked by terrorists who are after him, and he, along with his attorney, must escape them. He doesnโ€™t just want to escape them though. While most would…