Tag: Supernatural

Onyx Webb: Book Five: Episodes 13, 14, & 15 – a Review

Book Five in the twisted saga of Onyx Webb leaves one wanting more. Each of the storylines sinks its teeth into your imagination a bit deeper. A crippled Stan Lee receives a large settlement for losing his legs. Sitting around bores him. Not only that, he has but one thing on his mind, and that…

The Darker Side of Santa

December 25 has always been a holiday, but it hasn’t always been Christmas. What the Romans celebrated on that day was not the birth of Christ. The pagan festival of Saturnalia took place at this time. The birth of Mithra, the god of light, was celebrated on this day. The story of the conception, birth, and death of Mithra is very similar to the story of Jesus. Mithra is even supposed to have resurrected from the grave.