Tag: writing prompts

Meteorologists, Thunderstorms, and Winds – How to Use Them in Your Writing

A thunderstorm produces heavy rain and it accompanied by thunder and lightning. At times, it also produces hail and heavy, damaging winds. They are a force of nature, and when conditions are right, they unleash their fury. Unstable air or air that is heavy with water—wind will pick up water from the ground or a…

Town Names & Writing Prompts for Valentine’s Day Stories

Have you thought of the perfect Valentine’s Day story? Have you named your characters? Maybe all you need is the name of the town it takes place in. Listed below are the names of towns that would be fitting for tales that take place on or around Valentine’s Day. Whether you write romance or historical fiction,…

Valentine’s Day Origins & Writing Prompts

Valentine’s Day is loved by everyone but especially by retailers. Vast amounts of money are spent on gifts such as roses, wine, chocolates, perfume, etc. by men and women looking for that special gift for their significant other. When you first hear Valentine’s Day mentioned, what is the first thing that pops into your head? Perhaps you…

Show, Don’t Tell

Writers need to show instead of tell. What exactly does that mean? How does one show what is happening instead of just telling? What are the benefits of doing so? Telling is easy. The room was bare. You need to show the reader that the room is bare instead of just stating it. Showing takes…

Christmas Writing Prompts – The Birth of Jesus

Did you realize that fiction plays a big part in many of our Christmas traditions? No, I’m not talking about the birth of our Lord and Savior. His birth is not fictional, but many of the things now believed about that special event are; they have been set in place by poetry, books, movies, songs, etc. This is evidence of the effects that fiction writing can have on the world.