Do your genes or jeans determine what color eyes you will have? During the Middle Ages, was a professional clown a gesture or a jester? If an item is gold in color, is it gilt or guilt?

jeans, pixabay
genes, jeans
Genes are the basic physical units of heredity.
The genes passed down to her by her parents determined that she would have emerald green eyes.
Jeans are pants or overalls usually made of jean or denim and blue in color.
Jeans were invented in 1871 by Jacob W. Davis and Levi Strauss.

Genius Bar, flickr
genius, genus
A genius is one who has an exceptional natural capacity of intellect, especially as shown in creative and original work in science, art, music, etc.
Mozart was a musical genius.
A genus is any of the taxonomic groups into which a family is divided and which contains one or more species.
A genus might contain many different species.
gesture, jester
A gesture is a motion of the hands, head, or body to emphasize an idea or emotion, esp while speaking
The ghost’s gestures indicated that she wanted me to follow her.
A jester is a professional clown employed by a king or nobleman, esp at courts during the Middle Ages. It is a jokester.
The Court Jester is a classic musical comedy in which Danny Kaye spoofs medieval swashbucklers.
gibe or jibe, jibe
Some words are more confusing than others because they have more than one correct way of being spelled. Take gibe and jibe. Both mean to mock or taunt.
The bully began to gibe and tease the new student.
Jibe has another completely different meaning too though. It also means to be in harmony or accord, to agree.
This report does not jibe with what I was told.

St Peter’s Guild Club, Hurst Green,
gild, gilled, guild
When you gild an item, you coat it with gold, gold leaf, or a gold-colored substance. Gild also means to give a bright, pleasing, or specious aspect to.
The king had acquired so much gold that he could gild everything in his kingdom if he wanted.
Gilled means having gills, the respiratory organs of aquatic animals.
Gilled animals breathe oxygen dissolved in water.
A guild is an organization, club, or fellowship.
The new craftsman could not afford to pay the fee required to join the guild.

heavy gilt frame, flickr
gilt, guilt
A gilt item is gold in color or golden.
The famous painting was displayed inside a gilt frame.
Guilt is a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, wrong, etc., whether real or imagined.
Though she thought she could easily bear the guilt of deceiving her best friend, it plagued her until she confessed what she had done.
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