Confusing Words from Fated to Filter

If something has an offensive odor, is it fated, fatted, feted, or fetid? Is an enemy your faux or your foe? Do you walk on your feat, feet, or fete? If you are burning hot, do you have a fever or a fervor? Would you store papers in a file or a phial?

calf, wikipedia

calf, wikipedia

fated, fatted, feted, fetid
If someone is fated, then he or she has been marked by fate or destined to do or become something.
Marla woke up one morning and felt that she was fated to be a lawyer.
Fatted means made fat.
The fatted calf will be prepared for the guests.
Feted means celebrated or honored.
The feted author will arrive in town tomorrow.
Fetid means stinking or having an offensive odor.
The fetid aroma floating around in the room made it obvious that the victim had been dead for days.

faux, foe
Faux means imitation, artificial, fake.
The heiress wore faux jewelry to prevent her real gems from being stolen.
foe is an enemy or adversary.
The defeated foe turned and walked away with his head hung in shame.

moon in phases, flickr

moon in phases, flickr

faze, phase
Faze means to disturb or to bother.
No amount of noise seems to faze him.
phase is a stage in development.
The Dark Moon phase leaves the moon’s face in darkness.

fazed, phased
If you are fazed, then you are disturbed or bothered.
The high volume of noise in the room fazed him.
If something is phased, then it is done in stages.
The phased program was intended to take years to complete.

feat, feet, fete
feat is an extraordinary act or achievement.
The paramedic’s feat of bravery saved the woman from being crushed in her wrecked car.
Feet is the plural of foot. We use our feet to walk and to support our body.
Her feet were most comfortable when she went barefooted.
A fete is a festive celebration or entertainment.
The village fete attracted tourists from the farthest reaches of the country.

baby feet, pixabay

baby feet, pixabay

feral, ferrule
Feral means wild and untamed.
A pack of feral dogs began to roam the once peaceful neighborhood.
ferrule is a metal ring or bushing.
The ferrule on the service line needs to be replaced immediately.

fervor, fever
Fervor is an earnest and intense feeling.
The scheduled speaker spoke with fervor about her unpopular stance on abortion.
When your body temperature is extremely high, you are running a fever.
Because of her exceptionally high fever, she was rushed to the emergency room.

fiancé, fiancée
fiancé is a man who is engaged to be married.
Brianna saw to it that her fiancé had a night out with his friends before they were married.
fiancée is a woman who is engaged to be married.
As a fiancée of a celebrity, she was chased everywhere by reporters.

Phial of Galadriel, wikimedia commons

Phial of Galadriel, wikimedia commons

file, phial
file is a folder that is used for holding paper. On a computer, it is a virtual folder for holding documents.
As they fought over the file, it was ripped in half, and the papers it held spread all over the floor.
phial is a small glass bottle.
The phial, carefully hidden on the bookshelf, was full of the poison that had been used to murder her mother.

filter, philter
filter is a substance that catches solids or impurities from a liquid or from the air.
The filter in the air conditioner needs to be changed monthly.
A philter is a love potion.
No philter was needed for those two to fall hopelessly in love.

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