Confusing Words from Flew to Foreword

Does a chimney have a flew, a flu, or a flue? Would you serve flounder or founder for dinner? Is flour or flower used to make a cake? Would you have fore books or four books?

phlox, wikipedia

phlox, wikipedia

flew, flu, flue
Flew is the past tense of fly.
The parrot escaped from his cage and flew through the air.
Flu is the short way of saying influenza.
The flu epidemic shut down the small town.
flue is a chimney pipe.
The body of the missing woman was found in a chimney flue.

flocks, phlox
Flocks are groups of animals, such as dogs, sheep, goats, etc. that are in one place. As a verb, flocks means to gather together in a group.
The pasture was filled with flocks of cows, horses, and goats.
Phlox is a colorful flower.
Pleasantly scented phlox covered the field.

penguins on an ice floe, wikimedia commons

penguins on an ice floe, wikimedia commons

floe, flow
floe is a sheet of ice.
The family of penguins was taking a ride on the ice floe.
Flow means to circulate or glide along.
Make sure the water continues to flow steadily so the pool won’t take all day to fill.

floes, flows
Floes are more than one sheet of ice.
The floes were moving toward the ocean liner at a high rate of speed.
When something flows, it circulates or glides along.
That stream flows into the river.

twospot flounder, wikipedia

twospot flounder, wikipedia

flounder, founder
flounder is a type of fish. As a verb, flounder means to struggle or proceed clumsily.
The flounder filet was cooked to his satisfaction.
founder is a person who founds or establishes. As a verb, founder means to collapse or sink.
The founder of the cult was found guilty of murder and sent to prison.

flour, flower
Flour is a finely ground meal of wheat or grain that is used when cooking.
The bread recipe calls for three cups of flour.
flower is a blossom. As a verb, flower means to bloom.
A single flower was placed in the center of the table.

flower, pixabay

flower, pixabay

forbear, forebear
Forbear to refrain or abstain from. It means to keep back or withhold.
Please forbear from crying out loud.
forebear is an ancestor or forefather.
She discovered that her most famous forebear was one of the founding fathers of this nation.

fore, four
Fore means in the front or first in place. It also means situated toward the front.
The winner of the event walked to the fore.
Four is the number that comes between three and five.
There are four chairs at the table.

dessert, pixabay

dessert, pixabay

forego, forgo
Forego means to go before.
As always, dinner will forego dessert.
Forgo means to willingly give up or renounce something.
If you don’t mind, I think I will forgo dessert.

foreword, forward
foreword is the introductory statement or preface in a book, especially when written by someone other than the author.
It is a great honor to be asked to write the foreword for a book.
Forward means to move ahead.
Determined to finish the race, she went forward as quickly as she could.

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