The Reclaimed Kingdom – a Review

From the first page, this book put me in mind of Robin Hood, but there is so much more to the story than stealing from the rich to give to the poor. Danger, love, friendship, bewitchment, and betrayal fill the pages of this book and keeps you on the edge of your seat while reading.

Dru’s father, King Harrison, is away, taking care of business in foreign lands and has left the Kingdom of D’Land under the cruel control of his new wife, Queen Ebbigal. Dru’s wicked stepmother reminds me of Snow White’s stepmother, but Queen Ebbigal makes the Evil Queen seem nice, possibly someone you would even consider being friends with.

Snow White’s stepmother wants to be the most beautiful in the land, but Dru’s stepmother craves so much more. She is not only cruel to the inhabitants of the kingdom, but she is also cruel to Dru. She knows about Dru’s syphon powers and tries to force Dru to use them in the way she wants that will benefit her.

So this seventeen-year-old princess longs to escape the inhuman clutches of the queen. Disguising herself as a boy, she flees the castle and joins the Band of Brothers, who do their best to protect the poor of the kingdom from the queen’s cruel tactics. Dru doesn’t fool the Band of Brothers about her gender for long. But as their best fighter, she is highly thought of and respected by all of them. But Hawkin now look at her in a different light. And when she is reunited with a young man from her past, a love triangle is created. Which one will Dru choose?

Himalayan salt, Wikipedia

An example of the queen’s cruel tactics is that she outlawed salt, taking away the villagers’ way of preserving food. And when villages don’t follow her laws, they are destroyed. If the Kingdom of D’Land is going to survive, Queen Ebbigal must be stopped. But just what is Queen Ebbigal, and are Dru’s powers strong enough to stop her? Will Dru be able to take her rightful place as queen?

I really enjoyed this book and couldn’t read it fast enough. This blending of myth and fantasy, full of twist and turns and surprises, is definitely a page-turner. I highly recommend this book, the first in a series. Do I want to read the next book? Definitely.

I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you would like to purchase your own copy of this book, I’ve provided an Amazon link for you below.

a cat reading, public domain

Amazon Link: The Reclaimed Kingdom

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Favorite Sentences:

Adrenaline pumped in my veins while the soil mushed like buttermilk-sopped bread beneath me.

They burned within me—trailing hot lava down my tongue, piercing my uvula, tearing into my esophagus.

I reached my palm out to him and wrapped it around his wrist as gently as I could, like a snake stealthily wrapping itself around its prey before its deadly strike.

His last words were soft, like the purr of a great cat satisfied with its meal.

Mille feuille,

New Words Learned:

esillarchaica wine made from vinegar

insufferable – not to be endured; intolerable; unbearable

mille-feuille – a rich confection of thin layers of puff pastry and a filling of jam, cream, etc.

mollified – softened in feeling or temper, as a person; pacified; appeased

neep – (Scottish) a turnip

About the Author:

Author Dana Claire believes that a good story is made through strong character development. When readers become attached to the characters’ emotional state and are invested in their objectives, the readers are there for the long haul, backing the characters and their emotions. How cool is it to read a book and think about the characters long after you’ve read the last page? She believes that the beauty of reading is that one can live a hundred lives within the stories of books.

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be a vampire, slay a dragon, or use a time machine, there’s a book for that.


  7 comments for “The Reclaimed Kingdom – a Review

  1. Good review. Thank you for the recommendation. I like the combination of myth and fantasy.

  2. I’m so glad you enjoyed ‘The Reclaimed Kingdom’. Thanks for your thought provoking review!

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