Category: Author Interviews

Lynn Cullen Interview – Sofonisba Anguissola, Juana the Mad, and Historical Fiction

What was it about Sofonisba Anguissola and Juana the Mad that caught this author’s attention?  What did she do to learn more about these two fascinating women?  How old was this author when she began to write?  How supportive is her family of her writing?  What advice does she have for aspiring authors? Sofonisba Anguissola…

Matthew Keith Interview– Nightmares, Inspiration, and a Nameless Character

Have nightmares ever been an issue for this author?  How completely does he develop his characters before beginning to write?  Why isn’t the main character’s name ever given?  What are his thoughts on self-publishing? Sway begins with the transcription of dialogue between a doctor and his patient.  The patient’s name, blacked out except for two…