Yasmin Shiraz Interview – Characters, Violence, and Writing

Was this author a victim of violence when she was a youth?  Does she work with young women who are victims of rape?  Why does she choose to write about such serious issues in her books?

Was Retaliation written more for high school students or for their parents?
Retaliation was written for high school students but I hoped that adults who interact with teens–parents, teachers, guidance counselors–would also read the book.

Do you feel that youth violence, especially between girls, is being addressed enough by parents and police officers?
I do not believe that youth violence between girls is being addressed enough by parents or police officers.

Were you ever a victim of violence similar to what happened in the book when you were in school?
Yes. As a freshman in high school, I was targeted by one girl, and we ended up fighting at the end of the year. But, I had incidents as a 10th grader and 11th grader as well. I dealt with many, many girl fight issues.

Do parents often retaliate against those who pick fights with their kids instead of going to the authorities?
In many of the urban communities where I have visited and spoken, the school system deals with parents becoming aggressive with other parents and also encouraging violence among the youth.

I see that Retaliation won an award as one of the Top Ten Quick Picks for Reluctant Readers by the American Library Association.  Do you feel this is because Retaliation is about something that many young adults face?
I think Retaliation won an award because it dealt with how violence impacts entire communities but also because young adults deal with this issue often.

What is your favorite part in this book?
My favorite part of Retaliation is the fact that Tashera didn’t become a negative person as a result of what happened to her.

Rape is a horrible crime.  Have you worked with young women who have been rape victims?
I have worked with women who have been rape victims. In fact, I worked for a battered women’s shelter when I was in college.  In addition, due to the nature of my Blueprint for My Girls books, I’m often working with young people who have suffered various issues.

What steps can a woman take to ensure that she doesn’t become the victim of a rapist?
Safety is so key. Not taking drinks from other people when you’re out. Keeping an eye on your drink. Knowing self-defense as well. Not being so trusting of people. Going places in a group or with at least another friend.

People were so quick to assume that Ahmed, who was really a good guy, was the guilty one.  How often does this happen in real life?
People are often falsely accused. If a person looks at the number of cases that have been reversed as a result of new DNA testing, it shows how many people are not only wrongly accused, but wrongly convicted as well. It happens far more often than it should.

What is your favorite part in this book?
I enjoyed how Tashera was committed to not only helping Ahmed but other women as well. She’s a hero to me.

YasHBD2013General Questions
How long did it take you to complete each of the books?  How many books will there be in this series?
Each book takes about a month to write, but then there is additional editing time. I haven’t decided how many books will be in the series.

Will Tashera and Ahmed be main characters in your next book?
Tashera and Ahmed will be the main characters in the book Initiation which is the next book in the Retaliation series.

Why did you choose to write about such serious issues?
I chose to write about serious issues because whenever I conduct book signings or book talks with youth, they always ask me about serious issues. So, I wanted to address their issues in a way that could help a bunch of people.

How much of an impact do you believe these books will have young people and their parents?
I hear more from the youth than their parents. Many students email me and tell me that the book helped him because they dealt with the same thing.

Besides being an author, you are also a filmmaker and a producer.  Does all of your work focus on serious issues such as violence and rape?
I write adult fiction which doesn’t have as much of a serious side. And I also write screenplays that are romance or dramedies. So all my work isn’t serious, but a lot of it is.

Did the characters come strictly from your imagination, or were they based on people you knew?
Most of my work is inspired by real life and research.

Do you plan a book out completely before writing it?  Or do you just sit down and write?
I just sit down and write. When the ideas for books come to me, they just come in bits and pieces so I never know how they’ll end until they are over.

Do you have a set time to write each day?  Or do you wait to be inspired?
I write most days. I don’t want to be inspired. I expect it to meet me when I sit down at my desk

When did you first have a desire to write?  How did this desire manifest itself?
I’ve been writing poetry and short stories since I was a pre-teen. I’ve always loved words so I’ve always believed that I would become a writer.

What other books have you written?
My adult novel Exclusive was a #1 Amazon Best Seller. The 2nd novel in that series is called Privacy. I also have a non-fiction youth adult series, The Blueprint for My Girls and The Blueprint for My Girls In Love.

What kind of books do you like to read?
Romance, thrillers, and vampire stories (These are new to me!)

Where can people find you on the Internet?

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Retaliation – a Review
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