Category: Author Spotlight

Michael Bray – From Fiction to Reality: A Year Spent With a Paranormal Investigation Team

I’ve been writing now since 2012. Just to think about that passage of time is pretty scary. Since then I’ve turned out lots of books, one of which has been adapted into a film for which I also co-wrote the screenplay. Other titles have since been translated into multiple languages all over the world which…

Matthew Keith – Indie Authors: It’s About Enjoying the Ride

I can still remember the day I hit Amazon’s “publish” button for the first time. Afterward, I told my wife, “If even one person reads this book and likes it, that’ll be enough for me.” That was in November of 2013. I’d just finished my first novel, a one-hundred-ten-thousand-word, year-and-a-half-long project that had been one…

LC Champlin – Truth is Stranger Than Fiction: Using History and Real-Life Events in Fiction

The best lie has a nugget of truth. Likewise, the best fictional story has a nugget, or maybe an entire Happy Meal, of reality. Check out any fantasy book, and you’ll find parallels to either present or historical elements. They might be leaders, wars, or social movements. So why is truth stranger than fiction? In…

Jodie M. Swanson – The Story Behind Her Books

Jodie M. Swanson, a graduate from Owen-Withee High School, has served in the US Air Force and writes what her dreams tell her to. Sometimes she blurs the genre line when writing fantasy, paranormal, military/conspiracy, and alien contact. In her science fiction writing, she uses lots of real-life conversations and experiences. Her first work, Another…

Atty Eve Interview: Writing the My Beautiful Suicide Series

For this month’s Author Spotlight post, I interviewed Atty Eve, the author of the dark and powerful My Beautiful Suicide series. Was there anything that happened in your life that inspired this series? Anything you noticed going on in the world? The original inspiration for this series was the first line of a letter I…