Category: Guest Posts

Why We Need Powerful Women Heroes – Guest Post by K. Hollan Van Zandt

When I was a little girl growing up in the 80s, Wonder Woman, played by the radiant Lynda Carter, was on television while simultaneously available at every Walmart was an epic superhero brand of underwear for kids called “Underoos.” You could select your favorite superhero and don the undergarments (underwear + T-shirt) of power. The…

Is Cynicism the New Norm? – Guest Post by Matthew Keith

I recently released the second installment of my dystopian trilogy Outpost, and Lisa, the owner of this website, was kind enough to review it. Halfway through reading it, she sent me a message congratulating me on having reached the conspiracy theorist reader segment so well. I’d written a real bonafide government cover-up conspiracy story. It…

The Fun of Fiction: Using Famous People, Infamous Mobsters, and Real Places – Guest Post by Andrea Waltz and Richard Fenton

In a way, the Onyx Webb series can sometimes feel like Forrest Gump. What do we mean by that? If you’ve seen the movie, Forrest ends up in the middle of some of our country’s most noteworthy historical events. We have done the same in a way, and though we’ve used some recognizable people and…