Category: Guest Posts

Writing: To Impress or to be Understood? – Guest Post by Brian O’Hare

A teacher of English literature was lecturing a class of adolescents on one of the syllabus’s prescribed modern novels. She selected a short passage which included the following two sentences: “Vanessa’s passage was impeded by the building’s front door. The door was blue.” She read the sentences aloud and said to the class, “What did…

Legend Behind the Jack-o’-Lantern – Guest Post by Stephen Helmes

With Halloween right around the corner, everywhere we look we see the orange and black color scheme, decorations of skeletons, ghouls, witches, and ghosts. When you go into the city, you see store aisles and occasionally entire stores dedicated in celebration of the darkest holiday of the year. On this day of vampires, witches, and…

Writing Religious Fiction: How Far is Too Far? – Guest Post by Denver Batiste

When you think of religious fiction, what authors come to mind? The obvious, of course, are the most famous: Dan Brown. Lynn Austin. Ted Dekker. Anne Rice has even delved into the subject. Over the past decade, religious fiction has become more popular and has steered the literary world into a territory that was seldom…