Colorstrology: What Your Birthday Color Says About You – a Review

Have you ever wondered what your own special color was?  What about the characters you create when writing fiction?  Would you like to assign each one a special color that can be used to describe their personality and affect their actions?

Quirk BooksAstrology is not a science.  It is a study that assumes and attempts to interpret how our human affairs are influence by the heavenly bodies.

Numerology is not a science either.  It is the study of numbers, specifically the number in one’s birth date and their supposed influence on human affairs.

Colorstrology combines the power of astrology and numbers with the power of colors to discover which colors influence your personality the most.

An overall color is assigned for each month.  Each day in the month also has its own unique color, one that the person born on that day is supposed to surround himself/herself with to bring out the true personality.

How accurate is the book?  Well, I’m sure it is different for every person, but I will use me as an example.  My birthday is on July 20.  The color for my month is coral blush.  That is a pretty pink color, and I like it better than the color for my birthday which is butterfly.  Butterfly is a soft green color.  It is okay, but that is about it.  According to the book, my birth color will remain constant and never change, connecting my inner and outer worlds.

My core personality traits – inspiring, sexy, and imaginative – do they describe me?  Well, my husband says they do, but he could be a bit biased.

girl writing,

girl writing,

How This Book Can Help With Your Fiction Writing:
I am not a believer in astrology, numerology, or colorstrology.  So why did I get this book to review it?  I see it as an awesome reference book for writers of fiction.

When you are creating your character, you could use the color assigned to his or her date of birth as an aid in developing the personality.

Let’s say your character is born on August 15.  The three basic traits that go along with her color of stonewash are driven, tasteful, and sensual.  Her magnetic personality would draw others to her, and she has a need to be loved.  She has a sensitive nature, and would probably find the most fulfillment in a creative field of work.

Now you need to surround her with her birth color to show her lively spirit.  If she has long hair, she could use accessories to style her hair and bring attention to it that are stonewash in color.  Her favorite clothing would be this color.

She would surround herself with this color in her home.  It could be subtle or very noticeable.  The art decorating her home, the rugs she has on her floors, the chairs and sofas, even the blankets and sheets in her bedroom, should all have at least a hint of the color that defines her personality.

Your characters’ birthday colors would give you a guide on how they would interact with each other.  It will help you decide who they will be friends with, who they will be enemies with, and who they will become intimately involved with.

Or you could assign a color to your character no matter when you decide his birthday is.

As you read the traits assigned to each color, your muse should forming a character and maybe even some storylines in your head.  Once you start putting what you see onto paper, a complete story should soon follow.

Whether you use this book to learn more about yourself or to help in developing your characters, it is a book that you will use almost daily.

About the Author:
This is what Amazon says about this author:  Michele Bernhardt is a respected healer, astrologer, and metaphysician who has worked extensively with the healing aspects of color and sound. She has contributed to many national publications, including Travel + Leisure , Fitness , Seventeen , and The Mia.

I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.  If you would like to purchase a copy of this book for yourself, I have provided an Amazon link below.

Amazon link: Colorstrology: What Your Birthday Color Says About You

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