Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day & Other Strange Holidays

How many new friends will you make on Make a Friend Day? Will you use electricity on Be Electrific Day? Of course you will. Nearly everyone uses this great discovery just about every day. Do you own a white shirt to wear on White Shirt Day and why would you want to wear one? Read on to discover more about these unusual holidays that take place on February 11and learn how you can use each of them in your creative writing.

spilled milk,

spilled milk,

Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day – Don’t cry over spilled milk is an expression or idiom that means don’t get upset over past mistakes, just learn from them and get on with your life. On this day, especially if you have gotten hung up over the mistakes you have made in the past, resolve to get on with it and let go of them. Don’t dwell on them. That will only cause you to have more problems.

Do you think that a glass of spilled milk had anything to do with the creation of this holiday? Write a story around how you think this holiday came to be.

Make a Friend Day  – I’m sure you can figure out how to celebrate this holiday. You need to be friendly and make at least one new friend. No one can ever have too many friends. Since everyone seems to be on the internet now, finding a new friend shouldn’t be that hard if you look on Facebook, Google+, or one of the other social networking sites.

How did this holiday get started? There is no known origin for it. Perhaps someone who was really lonely decided to start this day in hopes of making some new friends. You decide how you think it started and write a story about the start of this great holiday.

sit-down strike of United Auto Workers at General Motors Plant in Flint, Michigan in 1937,

sit-down strike of United Auto Workers at General Motors Plant in Flint, Michigan in 1937,

White T-shirt Day or White Shirt Day – On February 11 in 1937, a strike at General Motors ended thanks to the effort of United Auto Workers. This day has been set aside to honor the men and women who took part in this sit-down strike. They wore white shirts as a sign of their unity

Writing an historical fiction short story or starting an historical fiction novel about this strike would be the perfect way to celebrate this day. I’m sure that you can find plenty of information about it on the internet or in your local library.

Be Electrific Day – February 11 is the birthday of Thomas Alva Edison, the one who invented the electrical light bulb. He also invented many other things, such as the phonograph and the motion picture camera.

I encourage you to dig into the history of this inventor. There is so much more to his life than what you were taught in school. Write a story surrounding one or more of his inventions.

Pro Sports Wives Day – Today, the wives of professional athletes are honored. They work behind the scenes and help support their husbands in their careers. You could celebrate this special day by writing a story about one of them.

National Shut-In Visitation Day – Do you know someone who is a hermit or a shut-in? This would be the day to show them that you haven’t forgotten about them and ot show them that they are still cared for. Why not write a story about a shut-in who makes an earth-shattering discovery?

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