Immortals’ Requiem – a Review

Fantasy and reality collide. The result is total chaos. Creatures from parallel worlds thought to exist only in our nightmares enter modern times, bringing their bloody and gory existence with them.

This unputdownable dark fantasy has a huge cast of characters that includes humans, elves, ifrits, ORCS, barghests, satyrs, syartalfars, therians, shapeshifters, werewolves, wereleopards, vampires, sylphs, and good old-fashioned monsters. Could these creatures be the reason for our dark and bloody fairy tales?

Out of all the characters in the book, the one that stood out most to me was the human then not-so-human Sam. I’m not sure if I felt worse for him or his wife. His story is only one of the many seamlessly woven together storylines running through the book.

Cú Roí, one mean and nasty shapeshifter, must be stopped before all is lost and Earth returns to the dark ages. When Sam handed his wife over to this monster, I cried. Evil had overtaken Sam so much that only a sliver of him was left.

Another character, Grimnir, is immortal. The fact that no one could kill you would be awesome, but being immortal has a serious downfall. Even though an immortal can’t be killed, one can be hurt. One can be stabbed, burned, have pieces torn off, etc., and recover for it to be done again. That would not be cool.

An epic battle for the control of our world is viciously fought in the very last part of the book. If you’re a fan of fantasy books, this one must be read. It will not disappoint you.

I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you would like to purchase your own copy of Immortals’ Requiem, I’ve provided an Amazon link below.

Amazon Link: Immortals’ Requiem

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Favorite Sentences:
Their legs were unrecognizable; flesh and sinew were burned away by the red-hot ash.

He nodded politely while his flesh crawled at the graphic descriptions of poison, digestive juices, and fly soup.

Boredom was the greatest hell imaginable, and Mark had been bored for fifteen hundred years.

The darkness was a physical thing, crowding into his eyes, clawing at his face, reaching, cold and ophidian, down his throat to tickle at his heart.

New Words Learned:
abattoir – a slaughterhouse.

bastion – anything seen as preserving or protecting some quality, condition, etc.:

Catherine wheel – (also known as the breaking wheel) the torture instrument on which St Catherine was martyred in the Middle Ages. It is said that she visited her contemporary the Roman Emperor Maxentius in an effort to convince him of the error of his ways in persecuting Christians.

The Catherine wheel is #1 in the below video.

curio – any unusual article, object of art, etc., valued as a curiosity

eldritch – eerie; weird; spooky.

fey – supernatural; unreal; enchanted

Hail Mary pass – a very long forward pass in American football, made in desperation, with only a small chance of success and time running out on the clock

ifrit – an enormous winged creature of smoke (or fire and air), either male or female, who lives underground and frequents ruins and are malicious and inspiring great dread

judder – to vibrate violently

last gasp – One’s or something’s final attempt to succeed or else face failure, death, destruction, etc.

malefic – productive of evil; malign; doing harm; baneful

myxomatosis – a highly infectious viral disease of rabbits, artificially introduced into Great Britain and Australia to reduce the rabbit population

nexus – the core or center

ophidian – snakelike

vertiginous – liable or threatening to cause vertigo

weft – a woven fabric or garment

wyvern – a two-legged winged dragon having the hinder part of a serpent with a barbed tail

About the Author:
Vincent Bobbe is nearly forty years old. When he was about ten, he tripped on an Edgar Rice Burroughs novel and fell into his own brain. He’s not quite managed to climb out yet because the things that found him in there keep clawing him back in.

He’s happily married with two young children and lives in Manchester, England. His wife is horrifically allergic to pretty much everything, so he doesn’t have any pets. This suits him.

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