Itsy Bitsy Spider: Emma Frost #1 – a Review

Murder takes place in a small Denmark town, one where the last murder took place twenty-five years ago. This time, there’s not just one murder. But there is a horrific crime that was committed many years ago on this scenic little island that no one talks about.

itsy-bitsy-spider1977 – Astrid has been locked in a basement. Though her mother has told her that she isn’t worth loving, Astrid is convinced that her boyfriend loves her. She is confused as to why she has been locked in this bomb shelter, and she is in there for quite some time. Astrid is pregnant and condemned by some person to spend the rest of her pregnancy down in this dark hole.

2012 – Emma Frost’s grandmother has died and left Emma her house. Emma lives in Copenhagen, Denmark, and the house is in Nordbo on Fanoe Island. She moves there with her two children, Maya and Victor. Maya really doesn’t want to move there, and Victor has light autism. Maybe the autism is what enables him to eerily be able to see what has happened and what is going to happen. Either way, that is kind of creepy.

Emma wakes up the next morning to discover that a neighbor has been horrifically murdered, cut open, and some of her organs removed. When a second victim follows not long after, it is clear that there is a serial killer loose on the island.

In this fantastic murder mystery, there are lots of red herrings and lots of suspects. I really thought I had everything figured out before I had made it very far through the book, but I was so wrong. Once you get to a certain point in this book, it is no longer possible to put it down until you know everything.

I downloaded this book and many others free of charge by the same author with no expectation of a review. This book was so awesome that I had to review it though. Look for many more reviews on books by this author in the future.

Warning: This book is rather graphic in parts.

Amazon Link: Itsy Bitsy Spider: Emma Frost #1

imagination and reality,

imagination and reality,

Favorite Sentences:
The spider tried to fight the river of water, clinging on to the slippery side as the water was threatening to flush it down the drain.

This secret of hers would end up killing her one day.

I had never written a book before, only dreamt about it a lot over the last many years, but it was a lot harder to actually do it than I had expected.

willow-roseAbout the Author:
The Queen of Scream aka Willow Rose is an Amazon all-star best-selling author. She writes Mystery/Suspense/Horror, Paranormal Romance, and Fantasy. She is inspired by authors like James Patterson, Agatha Christie, Stephen King, Anne Rice, and Isabel Allende. She lives on Florida’s Space Coast with her husband and two daughters. When she is not writing or reading, you’ll find her surfing and watching the dolphins play in the waves of the Atlantic Ocean. She has sold more than a million books.

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