Bringing characters to life gives me the ability to live a hundred lives with no boundaries, limits, or rules.
How do you celebrate New Year’s Eve? Traditions around the world vary. They range from a little weird to a creepy to potentially dangerous. Each country has many traditions at this time of the year. Below are the ones that caught my interest. Belgium – In Belgium, the farmers wish their cows a happy new year and…
The eerie feel of autumn swoops in on the wings of birds and insects as they fly south for the winter on nature’s highways. Seasonal decorations grace the shelves of stores all around America, and the excited chatter of children turn from the latest toys to this year’s costumes. When the leaves fall and the…
Did you realize that fiction plays a big part in many of our Christmas traditions? No, I’m not talking about the birth of our Lord and Savior. His birth is not fictional, but many of the things now believed about that special event are; they have been set in place by poetry, books, movies, songs, etc. This is evidence of the effects that fiction writing can have on the world.
On December 31, will your character celebrate New Year’s Eve? Or will he celebrate one of the other holidays that are also on this day? Maybe she will choose Make Up Your Mind Day. How about No Interruptions Day or Unlucky Day? Which holiday appeals to your character? Make Up Your Mind Day is celebrated on…