The Story of a Peace Loving Man is a story of war, a story of love, and a story of heartbreak. It is also a story of hope. Allan MacAllister’s uncle is accused of treason on Terran, what I believe to be a futuristic version of Earth. Since they can’t locate Allan’s uncle to punish him, they punish Allan by forcing him to join the military.

Once Allan makes it through boot camp, he is assigned to a battleship.When his battleship crashes on Felidan, the planet they are at war with, Allan is convinced that he is doomed. But he has no clue what life has in store for him.
The Felidans are basically giant cats. I so loved that! They aren’t like the nine cats that live with me. The Felidans are humanized cats and their bodies are covered with fur. That satisfied the cat lover in me and I so wanted to meet them.
This is a story of war. When Allan is forced into the military, Terran is at war with Felidan. Many lives had been lost, and there has been a lot of betrayal. But why did the war start? And what will happen if Terran or Felidan wins the war?
This is a story of love. Allan meets and falls in love with one of the enemy, N’Sagar, and she with him. But their forbidden relationship may not be such a good idea. When Allan is eventually captured, they attempt to keep their relationship a secret. Is this even possible?
This is a story of heartbreak. I cried when a child was separated from his mother and sent to prison with his father. There are times when it was doubtful the child would survive.
The Story of a Peace Loving Man is a definite page-turner. It became so intense that I hated to put it down. No matter what I did once I put it down, I couldn’t get the story out of my mind. It took my emotions on a wild roller coaster ride. I shouted for joy. I cried. And I paced the floor, anxious about what was happening. I am waiting with bated breath to read what happens next in this fantastic science fiction series.
I was sent an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. If you would like to read The Story of a Peace Loving Man, I’ve provided an Amazon link below.

Amazon Link: The Story of a Peace Loving Man
Favorite Sentences:
Whatever the reason, the canteen stood at the far end of the compound, looking as out of place in this swamp as a pearl in a pig sty.
Genuine but illegal coffee wasn’t available to the majority of the planet.
Now he knew how a baby bird felt when it fell from its nest and landed at a cat’s feet.
The points of the stones were worse than ancient caltrops, stabbing into the soles of his feet like tiny knives.

New Words Learned:
caltrop – an iron ball with four projecting spikes so disposed that when the ball is on the ground one of them always points upward: used to obstruct the passage of cavalry, armored vehicles, etc.
gustatory – of or relating to taste or tasting.
parquet – a floor composed of short strips or blocks of wood forming a pattern, sometimes with inlays of other woods or other materials.

About the Author:
Toni Sweeney was born in Georgia after the War between the States but before the Gulf War. Her writing career began during an extended convalescence following an automobile accident. Since her recovery, she has survived hurricanes in the South, tornados and snow-covered winters in the Midwestern United States and currently lives amid the sunshine, earthquakes, and forest fires of Orange County, California. She’s now trying for her second 30 years as a resident of the Great Plains.
Currently, she reviews books for Amazon and is also on the review staff of the New York Journal of Books and the Paranormal Romance Guild. She was recently named a Professional Reader by She is also promotion manager for Class Act Books publishers.