Tag: book review

Girl in Ice – a Review

In the brutal bone-freezing cold of the Arctic Circle on a remote island off Greenland, a young girl has thawed from the ice, and she is alive. A miracle? Yes, but no one can understand what she is trying to say, and she acts scared of everyone. Val, a trained linguist, is one of the few who understand the dead Nordic languages. So she is contacted by the researchers already there to come and work with this girl.

Bodacious Creed – a Review

What if once you died, you could be rebuilt and brought back to life? Before I began to read Bodacious Creed, I saw that it was steampunk zombie western. I know what a zombie is and I know what a western is. But what is steampunk? That is one genre that I hadn’t read before.…

Ways of Darkness (Unclean Evolution, Book 2) – a Review

San Francisco was the site of horrible terrorist attack where a contagion was unleashed that turned humans into oil-drooling zombies. At the end of book one, Nathan, who believes himself to be God’s chosen savior to restore control, manages to escape infection and death. Now the race is on to see who will end up…

The Flesh and Blood trilogy – a Review

Whether they are good or bad, your actions have the potential to affect you, as well as those close to you, for the rest of time. The Flesh and Blood trilogy by Christina Kaye is full of twists and turns. The storyline is riveting. Forget cleaning the house or watching television shows; once you start…