Hunterland – a Review

Something sinister is going on in Falkville Falls. The hanging death of a teacher starts off the story, and the situation only gets more intense with each page. This murder, or execution, takes place in Olivia’s school. Someone or something is killing teachers. Is there a serial killer on the loose?

The sheriff of this town has two daughters, Olivia and Pepper. Olivia, the older one, is a bit worried about her little sister, Pepper, who has been getting involved in stuff that in questionable stuff lately. The sheriff is called to the school over this death.

These deaths have gotten the attention of the Hunters. Liam, Jac, and their father are professional monster hunters. They hunt monsters: vampires, werewolves, ghosts, ghouls, wraiths, etc. Every time they used salt to keep the unwanted out, it reminded me of Supernatural. This book is very different from that show, but it may remind you of it at times.

What they thought would be a simple case of taking care of the one monster responsible for the teachers’ deaths turns into something much more complicated and involves more supernatural creatures than they thought. Friendships are forged, secret talents are discovered, and what really happened to certain people is discovered.

Hunterland is a fast-paced book, never slowing down. It always keeps your attention because there is always, always something happening. The book isn’t full of tedious descriptions and fillers, but it is full of young love, action, and monsters.

Young love? It’s obvious from the first time that Liam and Olivia lay eyes on each other that they are going to be involved with each other. Their on again/off again relationship does get a little annoying at times, but then again, when the characters won’t do what I tell them to do, I always get annoyed. But what fun would reading be if the characters always did what I told them to do?

Liam and Olivia both have a lot of growing up to do and they each have secrets as do many other people. If only everyone had willingly told their secrets to begin with, but then, who does that? Secrets abound in great books.

If you like books full of supernatural monster action, then you will love this book. I received an advance review copy of this book and wrote this review voluntarily. If you would like your own copy of this book, I’ve provided an Amazon link for it below.

Amazon Link: Hunterland

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Favorite Sentences:

The vamps had hung swaths of cloth around the old pens to clock out the sunlight, turning them into a macabre version of a kid’s blanket fort.

From her nonchalant attitude, you’d think we just revealed she got an ankle tattoo rather than secret paranormal powers.

Firelight danced across our faces, and for perhaps the hundredth time, I could only imagine how macabre the scene would have looked to anyone else, but to me it was beautiful and peaceful.

Her blue hair stuck up like Cindy Lou Who from the Dr. Seuss book Jac used to make me read to her before bed.

New Words Learned:

idiot savant – a mentally defective person with an exceptional skill or talent in a special field, as a highly developed ability to play music or to solve complex mathematical problems mentally at great speed

poppet – As a British informal noun, this word means an endearingly sweet child or young girl and is often used as an affectionate form of address. Used in a mainly historical sense, a poppet is a small figure of a human being used in sorcery and witchcraft.

sardonic – grimly mocking or cynical

windigo – (in the folklore of the Ojibwe and other Algonquian peoples) a cannibalistic giant, the transformation of a person who has eaten human flesh

About the Author:

Author Dana Claire believes that a good story is made through strong character development. When readers become attached to the characters’ emotional state and are invested in their objectives, the readers are there for the long haul, backing the characters and their emotions. How cool is it to read a book and think about the characters long after you’ve read the last page? She believes that the beauty of reading is that one can live a hundred lives within the stories of books.

If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to be a vampire, slay a dragon, or use a time machine, there’s a book for that.


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