
Life has been full of surprises for Lisa Binion. After a escaping death in an almost fatal car wreck, she was supposed to be paralyzed for the rest of her life. The nurses were shocked when she unexpectedly walked out of her room one day. Once a spider liked her so much that it tried to make its home in her ear. The memories of the day this spider lived in her ear still make her shudder. Then there was the morning she walked into her kitchen to find a baby bird perched on top of a Cream of Wheat tin on the back of her stove. How this bird made it past her eight cats without being eaten is still a mystery. She is excited to see what surprises life brings her way next, but she really hopes that it isn't another ear-loving spider. Lisa has been fiction writing editor for websites such as BellaOnline and The News in Books. As her popularity continued to grow, she decided it was time to start her own website, Lisa's Writopia. You can keep up with Lisa on her pages on Facebook and on her website. Her first book, Softly and Tenderly, was published in January 2016. It is available on Amazon.

Onyx Webb: Book Six: Episodes 16, 17, & 18 – a Review

In episodes 16, 17, and 18 of the Onyx Webb series, family secrets are revealed as is the identity of a serial killer. People’s pasts are beginning to catch up with them and so are the terrible things they have done. The book opens with the introduction of a new character, Newt Drystad. An autistic…

Is Cynicism the New Norm? – Guest Post by Matthew Keith

I recently released the second installment of my dystopian trilogy Outpost, and Lisa, the owner of this website, was kind enough to review it. Halfway through reading it, she sent me a message congratulating me on having reached the conspiracy theorist reader segment so well. I’d written a real bonafide government cover-up conspiracy story. It…

Outpost: Survivor Chronicles of the Great Rains: Book Two – a Review

How did the Ebola virus come to be in the rain that poured down? Who exactly is John Doe? Are aliens really behind everything that is going on? And since there are no children left, is there any hope for the survival of mankind? From aliens and deadly rains to mad and deranged power-hungry scientists,…

Why Poe is the King of Scary

Why, after all this time, is the name of Edgar Allan Poe synonymous with tales of horror and suspense? His most popular works have never been out of print and have been translated into all the world’s major languages. During his life, Edgar Allan Poe was plagued by many problems.  This troubled man still wrote…

The Missing Butler and Other Life Mysteries – a Review

These life mysteries are awesome! Each of these stories is a slice of life with the little mysteries that we encounter. The absurd, the comical, and the mysterious aspects of life are presented. Some of these stories are sad enough to bring you to tears. Others are serious enough to cause one to ponder the…