Category: Suspense/Thrillers

The Secluded Village Murders – a Review

In this cozy murder, Emily Ryder, a tour guide turned amateur sleuth, attempts to solve the murder of her mentor, Chris Cooper. His death has been ruled accidental. Murder just couldn’t happen in the small town of Lydfield, Connecticut, but Emily believes that Chris was murdered. So why does Emily believe that Chris has been…

Immortals’ Requiem – a Review

Fantasy and reality collide. The result is total chaos. Creatures from parallel worlds thought to exist only in our nightmares enter modern times, bringing their bloody and gory existence with them. This unputdownable dark fantasy has a huge cast of characters that includes humans, elves, ifrits, ORCS, barghests, satyrs, syartalfars, therians, shapeshifters, werewolves, wereleopards, vampires,…

In Defense of Guilt – a Review

What happens when you give your all to your career? What happens when you sacrifice your spouse, your child, your family for your career? You might become the best you can be in your chosen career, but then what else do you have? In Defense of Guilt is a legal thriller and a Christian suspense/thriller.…

Presumed Dead – a Review

Reggie is a psychic who lives and works in Irvine, Kentucky, but no one else in that small town knows about her psychic abilities. And that isn’t the only secret this lady has. Her name isn’t really Reggie. Why doesn’t she want others to know she is a psychic? Why is she using an alias?…

Ways of Darkness (Unclean Evolution, Book 2) – a Review

San Francisco was the site of horrible terrorist attack where a contagion was unleashed that turned humans into oil-drooling zombies. At the end of book one, Nathan, who believes himself to be God’s chosen savior to restore control, manages to escape infection and death. Now the race is on to see who will end up…