Category: Fiction Writing

Matthew Keith Interview– Nightmares, Inspiration, and a Nameless Character

Have nightmares ever been an issue for this author?  How completely does he develop his characters before beginning to write?  Why isn’t the main character’s name ever given?  What are his thoughts on self-publishing? Sway begins with the transcription of dialogue between a doctor and his patient.  The patient’s name, blacked out except for two…

Weather Phobias

Powerful weather phenomena are fascinating to watch, yet terrifying because of the destruction they leave behind. The fierceness of tornadoes and hurricanes leave one speechless and amazed. The beauty of lightning fills one with admiration for the hand that guides this streak of electricity to its destination. Each accompanying boom of thunder reminds us of…

Exclusive: A Tisha Ariel Nikkole Novel #1 – a Review

What is life like for rap artists?  For the ones who manage their careers?  For the journalists who write about them?  Enter the world of music, rap stars, and the journalists who interview them.  Exclusive gives you an inside look at their world of drama. A journalist, Tisha, is asked by an old college friend…