Tag: imagination

Skandar and the Unicorn Thief – a Review

Have you ever read a book that you couldn’t put down because you were so caught up in the story and its world? That is what reading Skandar and the Unicorn Thief was like for me. Everything else going on in my life faded in importance to what was happening in this book. It was written for those eight to twelve years old, but the story grabbed hold of my imagination and refused to let go.

The Power of Imagination

What is imagination? It is the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses. It is the ability of the mind to be creative. Can you imagine how boring life would be if not for the imagination? The Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books…

Onyx Webb: Book Five: Episodes 13, 14, & 15 – a Review

Book Five in the twisted saga of Onyx Webb leaves one wanting more. Each of the storylines sinks its teeth into your imagination a bit deeper. A crippled Stan Lee receives a large settlement for losing his legs. Sitting around bores him. Not only that, he has but one thing on his mind, and that…