The Cutaway – a Review

A woman, Evelyn, disappears into thin air. For some reason, her disappearance intrigues Virginia Knightly, a journalist. Virginia wants to know what happened to Evelyn, why she simply vanished into thin air while on a walk. Maybe her curiosity is piqued because she recognizes this woman from a video clip she has seen. She just can’t remember where.

This book started out a bit slow for me, but that didn’t last long. Once it picked up speed, it really took off. This case of a mysterious disappearance turns into so much more. You also get an inside look at the world of journalism and what goes on behind the doors of the newsroom. The majority of the characters seemed to have their own reason for making Evie (Evelyn) disappear. Her marriage was in trouble. She had been involved with other men. So many red herrings were thrown out that I could not figure out which one was guilty.

While Virginia is investigating Evie’s disappearance, there are a lot of other things going on in her life. Her father had left her mother when she was young, and she hadn’t been in touch with him since. She doesn’t want to know him, but he is dying. Visiting him before he passes on might answer a lot of questions, but does she really want to do that right now?

Her own romantic life is in turmoil; I guess you could say that it’s complicated. On top of everything else, her job is on the line.

From spy phones to corruption that runs deeper than Virginia ever dreamed, this book will thrill you to the very end. Is there anyone that Virginia can trust?

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. If you would like your own copy of this book, I’ve provided an Amazon link below.

Amazon Link: The Cutaway

imagination, wikimedia commons

Favorite Sentences:
I was provided with an ARC of The Cutaway. These sentences might appear differently in the final published copy of the book.

A weird pounding in my ears made the chief’s words drop out like bad audio.

On that day, I learned the sounds of betrayal, and I learned, too, that you always had a choice.

Who takes a weapon to meet a man she supposedly loves?

What did dudes not get about how uncool it was to jump out at night at a woman who lived alone?

Deep in the woods, there was the shriek of an owl followed by the cry of its prey, disturbingly like the cry of an injured child.

New Words Learned:
hanks – coils, knots, or loops

hydrilla– any aquatic plant of the Eurasian genus Hydrilla, growing underwater and forming large masses: used as an oxygenator in aquaria and pools. It was introduced in the S US where it has become a serious problem, choking fish and hindering navigation

magnetometer – an instrument for detecting the presence of ferrous or magnetic materials, especially one used to detect concealed weapons at airports

riff –  to speak amusingly or make amusing comments or remarks

1920s Sears kit houses – There was a time when you could order house kits that were complete with everything you needed to build your home. Many of these very sturdy homes are still being lived in today.

wainscot – wood, especially oak and usually in the form of paneling, for lining interior walls

About the Author:
Christina Kovac managed newsrooms and produced crime and political stories in the District. Her career as a television journalist began with Fox 5’s Ten O’Clock News, followed by the ABC affiliate in Washington, D.C. For the last nine years, she worked at the Washington Bureau of NBC News. She lives with her family outside of Washington, D.C.

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