How well do you know the person you married? Are there no secrets between you? Or are there pieces of your spouse’s life you know nothing about? Jean Taylor’s husband, Glen, is suspected of kidnapping and possibly killing a little girl who was taken from her yard, but a jury has said he is innocent.…
Confusing Words, Fiction Writing, Words
Confusing Words from Dine to Disinterested
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• •Would you go out to diner or dinner? Would you take a dinghy or a dingy out on the lake? When you find facts that prove something is wrong, do you disprove or disapprove it? Are you disinterested or uninterested when you have absolutely no interest in something? dine, dyne When you dine, you eat. Jeremy…
Fiction Writing, Writing Prompts and Exercises
Tree Picture Writing Prompts
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• •Book Reviews, Christian Books
How To Be Really Street Smart – a Review
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• •Fiction Writing, Phobias, Writing Prompts and Exercises
Cynophobia and Other Animal Phobias
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• •I am surrounded by animals. They make my life so enjoyable that I cannot imagine living without them. There are people, though, who live their life as far away as they can from certain animals. For some reason, animal phobias tend to be more common in females than in males. Those suffering from cynophobia have an irrational…
Fiction Writing, Redundant Expressions, Words
Redundant Expressions from Circle Around to Compete with Each Other
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• •Have you ever said that you would like to see something completely destroyed? Or maybe you have said that you would be in close proximity to someone or something. Possibly you have said that you need to circle around the block. If so, did you realize that you were using redundant expressions? A pleonasm, or…
Book Reviews, Fiction Writing, Horror, New Words Learned, Suspense/Thrillers, Words
Project Apex – a Review
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• •Imagine healing instantly from any wound you receive. Imagine not needing food or sleep. Imagine being unstoppable. Would being like this change you at all? In 1999 in Africa, Richard Draven is on a quest. He is on a search for a species of monkey rumored to have given superior health and healing powers to…
Confusing Words, Fiction Writing, Words
Confusing Words from Deprecation to Dyes
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• •Would you order desert or dessert after dinner? Do you device a plan or devise a plan? Is the grass wet with dew, do, or due in the morning? If you wish to change the color of a shirt, would you die it or dye it? deprecation, depreciation Deprecation is earnest disapproval. Miranda’s deprecation of the…
Fiction Writing, Holidays, Writing Prompts and Exercises
No Interruptions Day & Other Holidays That End the Year
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• •On December 31, will your character celebrate New Year’s Eve? Or will he celebrate one of the other holidays that are also on this day? Maybe she will choose Make Up Your Mind Day. How about No Interruptions Day or Unlucky Day? Which holiday appeals to your character? Make Up Your Mind Day is celebrated on…
Book Reviews, Fiction Writing, Humor, New Words Learned, Romance, Words
The Quirky Tale of April Hale – a Review
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• •April Hale has Asperger’s syndrome, a form of autism. She has some major issues expressing or feeling emotions, and when she becomes upset, she tends to speak like Yoda. She is obsessed with movies, especially Star Wars. April’s family lives next door to the Blacks. They are awakened each morning by the Blacks fighting. April…