Category: Fairy Tales / Folk Tales

Once Upon a Fairy Tale – a Review

The Brothers Grimm didn’t water down their fairy tales when they wrote them; modern society has done that. In their original form, they are full of violence, blood, and gore. Times were different when the Brothers Grimm wrote their fairy tales, and yes, they were intended to be read to children. But Once Upon a Fairy…

Favorite Irish Folk Tales – a Review

Seumas MacManus retells fifteen marvelous Irish folk tales that are full of adventure. The similarities between many of these folk tales and a lot of the fairy tales I was already familiar with astounded me. These tales have not been watered down any, so some of them are violent and bloody. A lot of these tales…

How Fairy Tales Connect with People – Guest Post by Craig Staufenberg

The great thing about fairy tales? Anyone can connect with them. They’re highly accessible. The only price of admission is being human. There’s a reason we give fairy tales to children. It’s about all they can connect with. They haven’t yet been told how to “get” Sartre, or Barthes, or any other tricky-to-pronounce French author.…