Category: Fiction Writing

Dealing with Writer’s Block

The dictionary defines writer’s block as a usually temporary psychological inability to begin or continue work on a piece of writing. Scary thought, huh? Not being able to write can shatter a writer’s ego and become a nightmare. Is writer’s block all in your head or is it real? Not everyone believes that writer’s block…

Strigoi – a Review

Something rotten is going on in the world of the aventurieri, the winged, nocturnal hunters with a dietary need for blood. Yes, they are a type of vampire. But the aventurieri can eat food, have wings, are able to reproduce, and can be shot with regular bullets. In the violent beginning, Marek Strigoi’s family is…

The Flesh and Blood trilogy – a Review

Whether they are good or bad, your actions have the potential to affect you, as well as those close to you, for the rest of time. The Flesh and Blood trilogy by Christina Kaye is full of twists and turns. The storyline is riveting. Forget cleaning the house or watching television shows; once you start…

Emma in the Night – a Review

This twisted psychological thriller is a story of giving up all for love. It is a story of deception and a story of one severely twisted family. Two girls, fifteen-year-old Cass and seventeen-year-old Emma, are the focus of the story. Three years ago, they both disappeared. Their mother reminded me of Snow White’s stepmother. She…