Category: Writing

Selecting Stories For A Short Story Collection – Guest Post by Ashley Franz Holzmann

There are typically three options when it comes to organizing a collection of short stories. An editor can have the writers come to them by establishing a call for submissions, or they can contact the authors directly in order to publish current stories. The third option is to find the right authors and then build…

Dealing with Writer’s Block

The dictionary defines writer’s block as a usually temporary psychological inability to begin or continue work on a piece of writing. Scary thought, huh? Not being able to write can shatter a writer’s ego and become a nightmare. Is writer’s block all in your head or is it real? Not everyone believes that writer’s block…

Runinniduk and his Coin – Guest Post by John Mugglebee

In my historical novel Neespaugot: The Legend of the Indian’s Coin, Runinniduk, the Native American forefather of the story, is awarded one of the first coins minted in the New World for his help in translating the Holy Bible into Algonquian. Bearing the seal of Massachusetts Bay Colony, the coin is subsequently passed down from…