Confusing Words from Be to Believe

Would a be or a bee sting you? Is the area right next to a seashore a beach or a beech? Would you eat a beat or a beet? Do you drink a beer or a bier?

bee, wikipedia

bee, wikipedia

be, bee
Be has many definitions. One of the meanings of be is to take place, happen, or occur.
The wedding will be on the 5th of September.
bee is an insect that pollinates flowers. Some bees even make honey.
We have had a hive of bees in our backyard for two years now.

beach, beech
beach is an area right next to a seashore.
The Carter family is going to the beach for their vacation.
beech is a type of tree.
Their backyard was full of beech trees.

beets, wikimedia commons

beets, wikimedia commons

beat, beet
One of the definitions of beat is to hit.
Conrad had Derek down on the ground while he beat him.
beet is an edible red root.
My grandmother would travel miles to purchase a beet.

Beatles, beetles
The Beatles were a rock-‘n’-roll band that was popular during the 1960s.
John Lennon, Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, and George Harrison were members of the Beatles.
Beetles are insects with hard shells.
A swarm of beetles invaded the area.

pink bow, wikimedia commons

pink bow, wikimedia commons

beau, bow
beau is a male friend.
My daughter’s beau is tearing my family apart.
bow is something curved or arc-shaped.
The ribbon is tied in the shape of a bow.

beaut, butte
Beaut means someone or something beautiful, amazing, and/or remarkable.
The chess move was a beaut.
butte is an isolated hill or mountain that rises abruptly above the surrounding land.
The famous butte had been the site for many westerns.

bread bin, flickr

bread bin, flickr

been, bin
Been is past tense of be.
She has been a writer for twenty years.
bin is a container.
Molly received a new bread bin as a wedding gift.

beer, bier
I’m sure all of you know what beer is, but in case you don’t, it is an alcoholic beverage that most people like.
Joe drove to the liquor store to buy a six-pack of beer.
bier is a temporary stand for a coffin.
It took seven men to place the coffin on its bier.

alder leaf beetle, wikimedia commons

alder leaf beetle, wikimedia commons

beetle, betel
beetle is an insect with a hard shell. It is also a tool, such as a maul, that has a heavy head and a handle.
The young girl was terrified to discover that she had a beetle caught in her hair.
betel is an East Indian pepper plant. Its leaves, along with the betel nut, can be chewed.
As a newcomer to the area, Melinda was amazed to find that she could chew the leaves of the betel plant she found growing in her yard.

belief, believe
Belief is a conviction. It signifies faith, trust, and confidence.
Her belief in him, especially after the terrible things he had done, was beyond his understanding.
Believe is a verb. If you believe in something, you have absolute confidence in its truth or existence, even if you don’t have any evidence to prove it is so.
Do you believe that little green men live on Mars?

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