Confusing Words from Carol to Cedar

Would you round up livestock to put them in a carol, a carrel, a choral, a chorale, a coral, or a corral? Would a band be searching for a person to play a catarrh or a guitar? Would you use a cay, a key, or a quay to unlock the door?

coral reef,

coral reef,

carol, carrel, choral, chorale, coral, corral
carol is a song, especially a song of joy.
The carol is always sung at Christmas time.
carrel is a small individual study room or private desk. These are usually in libraries and are places where a person can read or study undisturbed.
Tamara asked for a carrel to be built in her own personal library.
If a piece of music is choral it is either sung by a choir or adapted for one. Choral also pertains to a choir.
Pamela joined the choral group.
chorale is either a hymn or a church choir.
The chorale is putting on a special Christmas presentation.
Coral is the skeletons of certain marine polyps. These skeletons form reefs, islands, etc.
The many different shades of coral formed a beautiful picture.
corral is an enclose for animals. When you corral animals, you herd them together and take them into a corral.
The horses were led into the corral.

cast net, wikipedia

cast net, wikipedia

cast, caste
Cast means to throw.
The fishermen were told to cast their nets into the sea.
caste is a social class.
People in the Hindu society are divided by caste.

caster, castor
caster is a person or thing that throws.
Joshua was chosen to be the caster of the ball.
Castor is one of the less commonly known names for beaver.
The young castor was separated from its colony.

A Dingwall Prima Artist bass guitar that features Fanned Frets, wikipedia

A Dingwall Prima Artist bass guitar that features Fanned Frets, wikipedia

catarrh, guitar
Catarrh is inflammation of the respiratory tract.
Her allergies caused her to experience catarrh.
guitar is a stringed musical instrument.
Kyle learned to play the bass guitar.

caudal, coddle
Caudal means near the tail or posterior end of the body.
The flea medication is to be applied in the caudal area.
When you coddle someone, you pamper or spoil that person. When you coddle eggs or some other food, you cook it in water that is just below the boiling point.
The recipe says to coddle a dozen eggs.

traditional rope cot, wikimedia commons

traditional rope cot, wikimedia commons

caught, cot
Caught is the past tense of catch, which means to seize, come upon suddenly, or contract.
Shelly caught the flu two winters in a row.
cot is a small bed.
The guest room has a cot in it.

caulk, calk, cock, cork
When you caulk or calk a window, you stop up the seams and cracks so that it is airtight.
It was time for them to caulk the windows.
cock is a male bird.
The cock strutted around trying to attract the female’s attention.
Cork is the outer bark of an oak. It is used to make stoppers, which are called corks.
A shipment of corks was scheduled to arrive at the wine factory.

Lymington Town Quay,

Lymington Town Quay,

cay, key, quay
cay is a small, low island.
There are many cays off the coast of Alaska.
key is a small metal instrument made to fit into locks and open them.
Darren had a bad habit of losing his house key, so his wife put his new key on a chain for him to wear around his neck.
quay is a wharf.
The boat pulled up next to the quay.

cease, seas, sees, seize
When you cease what you are doing, you stop.
Angela, cease the arguing with your brother!
Seas are bodies of water.
The students in Mrs. Newton’s geography class were required to learn the names of all the world’s seas.
When the detective sees a clue, he looks at it and perceives it with his eye.
She sees the ribbon on the floor.
When you seize something, you grab hold of it forcefully.
Seize the moment because you might not have another opportunity.

Lebanon cedar, wikimedia commons

Lebanon cedar, wikimedia commons

cedar, seeder
cedar is an evergreen tree, famous for its fragrant wood.
The drawers of the dresser were made out of cedar wood.
seeder is one who sows seeds.
Marco managed to be hired on as a seeder at the city’s largest farm.

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