Confusing Words from Glacier to Gnus

Did a glacier, a glazer, or a glazier knock a hole in the Titanic? Are you gneiss to others, or are you nice to them? Is a gnu, a knew, or a new an antelope? Do you see current events on the gnus, news, or noose?

glacier, pixabay

glacier, pixabay

glacier, glazer, glazier
A glacier is a slowly moving mass of ice originating from an accumulation of snow. It can either spread out from a central mass (continental glacier) or descend from a high valley ( alpine glacier).
The massive glacier had formed over hundreds of years.
A glazer is a person who applies a glaze, as to pottery, baked goods, leather, or fur.
Nathan’s job as a glazer was taken over by a machine.
A glazier is a person who fits windows or the like with glass or panes of glass.
After the devastating tornado, the glazier had more work than he had ever wished for.

dark globule, wikimedia commons

dark globule, wikimedia commons

global, globule
If something is global, it pertains to the entire world.
Many wish for global peace.
A globule is a small globe, esp a drop of liquid. In astronomy, a globule  a small dark nebula thought to be a site of star formation.
It was impossible to cover the globule of blood on the otherwise pristine white couch.


gnawed wood, wikimedia commons

gnawed wood, wikimedia commons

gnawed, nod
Gnawed means chewed.
Rodents had gnawed holes in the stack of wood.
A nod is a short, quick downward bending forward of the head, as in assent, greeting, or command or because of drowsiness. As a verb, one of its meanings is to make a slight, quick downward bending forward of the head, as in assent, greeting, or command.
Her nod of agreement was so subtle that only one person noticed it.

gneiss, flickr

gneiss, flickr

gneiss, nice
Gneiss is coarse-grained, imperfectly foliated, or layered, metamorphic rock
Gneiss is usually found in New England, the Adirondacks, the Rocky Mountains, and the Piedmont.
If someone is nice, he is agreeable, pleasing, and delightful.
Brandon’s new neighbor turned out to be not so nice after all.


a gnu grazing,

a gnu grazing,

gnu, knew, new
A gnu is a large dark antelope with a long head, a beard and mane, and a sloping back.
The gnu is also known as the wildebeest, an Afrikaans word meaning “wild beast.”
Knew is the simple past tense of know, a word that means to be or feel certain of the truth or accuracy of; to be acquainted or familiar with; or to have a familiarity or grasp of, as through study or experience.
Even though she was doing great at hiding what had really happened, she knew that eventually the truth would be uncovered for all to see.
New means recently made or brought into being. It also means unfamiliar or strange.
Her new neighbor’s frequent comings and goings made her uneasy.

noose, flickr

noose, flickr

gnus, news, noose
Gnus means more than one gnu.
Within three to seven minutes after birth, young gnus are able to stand and run.
News is information about current events and important or interesting recent happenings.
It is important to keep up with the news.
A noose is a loop with a running knot, as in a snare, lasso, or hangman’s halter, that tightens as the rope is pulled.
The thirteen knots found in a hangman’s noose were a foreboding sign for those about to be hung.

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